Day 1: Brain Drain Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan_TeamD

They must support the youth

is probably not correct.
The given text is a general statement that does not provide any specific information or evidence. It is not possible to determine if the text is factual or not based on the given information.

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The government should try to enhance job opportunities for young generation and create a conductive economic environment that encourage skilled individuals to stay in Afghanistan.

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The government should enhance job opportunities for young generation

is probably not correct.
The given text is a subjective statement expressing an opinion rather than a factual statement. It does not make any specific claims or provide evidence to support the idea that the government should enhance job opportunities for the young generation.

The government should create a conductive economic environment

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it does not provide any evidence or reasoning to support the claim that the government should create a conducive economic environment.

The conductive economic environment should encourage skilled individuals to stay in Afghanistan

is probably not correct.
The given text states that the conductive economic environment should encourage skilled individuals to stay in Afghanistan. However, the provided evidence suggests that the economic situation in Afghanistan is not conducive. The evidence states that the GDP has declined by 3.6 percent in 2022 and there was a contraction of 20.7 percent in 2021. Additionally, Afghanistan has one of the lowest per capita incomes in the world. These evidences contradict the claim made in the given text.

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it is a phenomenon. Who said it is not?

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I think some thing bad will happen if these awful government countionus. I think a huge percentage of youth will escape from afghanistan. The youth are certain which in out of Afghanistan in every where is the capacity of youth development like work, cash, education, freedom and honesty. They have to decide migrate.

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Who said it is not

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it is a fragment of a sentence and does not provide any information or context.

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Decreasing brain drain for Afghanistan requires a comprehensive approach that addresses the underlying factors driving those phenomena.

something bad will happen if the government continues

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it does not provide any evidence or reasoning to support the claim that something bad will happen if the government continues. The provided evidences do not mention any specific consequences of the government continuing.

a huge percentage of youth will escape from Afghanistan

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it states that a huge percentage of youth will escape from Afghanistan without providing any evidence to support this claim.

the youth are certain that the capacity of youth development exists everywhere

is probably not correct.
The given text is a statement made by the youth, and it is not supported by any evidence provided. The evidences mention progress in youth development outcomes, the ability of youth to contribute to society, and the concept of youth having the capacity to thrive. However, none of these evidences directly support the claim that the capacity of youth development exists everywhere. Therefore, the given text is not factual.

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The de facto authorities should try to provide education and upgrade the quality of education for youth to retain and attract them.

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The education should retain youth

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it lacks specific information and context. It is unclear what is meant by ‘education should retain youth’ and there is no evidence provided to support this statement.

The education should attract youth

is probably not correct.
The given text is a statement without any specific claims or facts. It is a general statement that education should attract youth. There is no factual information provided in the text.

I think this is a big problem in the country; Because when the knowledgeable and educated stratum of a country leaves the country with the intention of immigrating to another place, it means that the rulers of the country have not been able to provide the necessary measures that a healthy society needs.

National organization and Taliban should try to work towards establishing a secure and stable environment within Afghanistan.

So by providing work opportunities for people ,provide education side for all girls , secure the security for people prevent from Ethnic prejudices , Language and etc

Brain Drain Crisis is one of the ominouse social probleam, which by that, the large scale migration of educated people, academics and scientists of one country or society to other countries is happen, which usually occurs due to lack of job opportunities, political and military conflicts, and life risks. That one of the clear example of brain drain crisis happened in Afghanistan society that by coming of Taliban group almost all educated people leave Afghanistan.

Brain Drain Crisis is one of the ominous social problems

is probably not correct.
The given text states that Brain Drain Crisis is one of the ominous social problems. However, the provided evidences do not mention anything about Brain Drain Crisis being an ominous social problem. Therefore, there is no evidence to support the claim made in the given text.

To add, creating a peaceful and peace lasting country can reduce or eliminate this phenomena. As we see our adults are suffering more than other categories in our society from insecurity. This can be on of the reasons that youngsters intent to go abroad.

First they must improve the quality of lives and second they should support all the people of community and they must help them.

They must improve the quality of lives

is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it is a subjective statement that does not provide any evidence or specific information to support the claim.

They must help them

is probably not correct.
The given text is ambiguous and lacks context. It is not clear who ‘they’ and ‘them’ refer to. Without further information, it is difficult to determine the factuality of the statement.

What do you think, will these measures be adopted by the government soon?

For my opinion our government should have security for all parts in our country; like: Psychological security, job security and physical security.