The current government, which is in the hands of people who do not know anything about studying science and art, means that the Taliban government will never have a clear face
The current government is in the hands of people who do not know anything about studying science and art
is probably not correct.
The given text is subjective and does not provide any evidence to support the claim that the current government does not know anything about studying science and art. The text is based on personal opinion and lacks factual information.
The Taliban government will never have a clear face
is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it states that the Taliban government will never have a clear face. However, the provided evidences suggest that there is a possibility of a transition to a more inclusive government and engagement with the Taliban. The evidences also mention that the Taliban are not the only party fighting against the IC and the Afghan government, indicating that there are other groups involved in the conflict.
You’re right because the state of self development is starting from school and universities.
The state of self development is starting from that stage
is probably not correct.
The given text does not provide any specific information or evidence to support the claim that the state of self-development starts from a particular stage. Without any supporting evidence, it is difficult to determine the factuality of the statement.
Exactly, so how can we change the Taliban’s mindset ?
The brain drain in migration of professionals from one country to another in search of a higher standard of living …
This drain usually flows from developing to developed countries, which has extremely negative effects on the developing nations, who have lost many of their talented professionals.
The current situation is not in the hand of people the government should improve the quality of life.
The current situation is not in the hand of people
is probably not correct.
The given text is a subjective statement and does not provide any specific information or evidence to support its claim. It is not possible to determine its factuality based on the provided evidences.
The government should improve the quality of life
is probably not correct.
The given text is a subjective statement and does not provide any specific information or evidence to support it. Therefore, it cannot be considered factual.
We have to change ourselves neither society nor United Nations can change us
Exactly, by this regime we lost most educated people and knowledgeable people.
society cannot change us
is probably not correct.
The given text ‘society cannot change us’ contradicts the provided evidences which state that society has the ability to change its members. The evidences mention that society changes a person through labeling and that social change is a concept that exists. Therefore, the given text is non-factual.
United Nations cannot change us
is probably not correct.
The given text states that the United Nations cannot change the US. However, the provided evidences suggest that the United Nations has the ability to impact the US through its functions and role as a force-multiplier for the US. Therefore, the given text is non-factual.
Great solution you suggest.
The state of self development is starting from school and universities
is probably not correct.
The given text is not factual because it states that the state of self development starts from school and universities, which is not accurate. Self development or personal development is a lifelong process that begins with self-discovery and continues throughout one’s life. It is not limited to school and universities.
You mentioned the key point it can be good solution.
Our main problem is government.
Government wants to implement their own thoughts by force to the people
Thank you so much !
Government wants to implement their own thoughts by force to the people
is probably not correct.
The given text is a subjective statement and does not provide any specific information or evidence to support its claim. It is not possible to determine its factuality based on the given text alone.
Women access to education will help in international recognition of Taliban, and this recognition will help in attraction of international investment, subsequently this process will make higher employment opportunities which interrelated with decrease of brain drain.
In the past few years brain drain has become one of the major issues in Afghanistan considering to migration of the intelligentsia to the countries in Europe, America, Canada, Australia search of better prospects.
Excellent point you mentioned