We must provide different online materials so that women access education wisely and use those which are more effective
We must try to look for online platforms that are highly recommended by people
Afghan people are not much interested in online education and it is not much effective we must find some alternative
Physical attendance for education help people find incentives for theirselves they can judge which field to study
Could you suggest other alternatives?
What do you mean by they can judge which field to study?
One of the solutions could be to ask the companies to cheap the internet packeges and pay more effort on the quality of it.
Could you explain about it? What do you mean by different online online materials?
Taliban believe that co education is not effective way for getting education beacause of some gender harrsement
By physical attendance they can understand their weak points strong points and their god given ability
Well there arecalot of differen online platform used by different people in different colleges and universities
In physical education right now we have classes run by local NGO and international NGOs which can be a good alternative for Afghan girls in the current situations
We must look for the most effective ways those are matched and easy understandable
People nowadays konw that this is much important to seek knowledge because we need doctors teachers and professionals in all fields
Yes you are right we are like a village ever home is a country and they need each other
Every family is reponsible for the education of their children if we want a prosperous Afghanistan
It takes alot of time to get educated people we must be patient
We must give rights to people how they can get education by online classes or physical classes by the NGOs
Women’s access to education in Afghanistan has faced numerous challenges, particularly in recent years. Despite these challenges, there are several ways in which women and girls can still access education:
One of them is Online Education,With the increasing availability of the internet, online education platforms have become a crucial tool for Afghan women to continue their studies remotely.
So you think that online education is not a good idea, but what are the other ways?