Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

Day 3: Sep 1 9:30-18:30 local time

“Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB”


“The Taliban has not been recognized by any country since seizing power in Afghanistan in 2021, and the International community has not yet made a decision to recognize the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan. Do you believe that the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community, and what actions must the Taliban take to facilitate their legitimization?”

The Taliban should do a lot of work to gain leadership, give the youth a role in the government, open girls’ schools and achieve internal leadership.

I think that with the current situation, the Taliban will never be recognized, moreover, they are not recognized, but more and more sanctions are added to them day by day.

Taliban, considering the dark past, no country wants to recognize the current government of the Taliban.
The Taliban should stop imposing restrictions on themselves.
Don’t make the laws of a few centuries ago now, because the world is modernizing.

I agree with you

Yes, I agree with you, in addition to removing the restrictions, other sectors should reform their government

I think that whenever the Taliban assure the whole world that they are not a terrorist group and do not pose any threat to the world, especially Asian countries, maybe the international community will be ready to recognize them because the whole world sees the Taliban as terrorist hostages.

Yes, the government is far away from the people, the Taliban must try to close this gap.

In my opinion if taliban don’t open the school lot of people will escape from Afghanistan that time our clever teachers which is in the university they will go and we will lose our country.

These are some diverse issues and ideas related to the legitimacy of the Taliban-led government. Human rights violations, lack of inclusivity, terrorism concerns, economic stability, and protection of minority rights are all important aspects to consider. Please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions on these issues or if there are any other points you would like to add to the discussion.

Currently, there is a gap between the people and the Taliban government, the Taliban must first gain the trust of the people, religious and ethnic prejudices can be seen in government offices and society, these prejudices should be eliminated and everyone should see themselves in the Afghan mirror.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.

To summarize, participants are suggesting the Taliban should gain trust, eliminate prejudices, and bridge the gap between government and people to be recognized internationally.