That’s an interesting point. It seems that the lack of work and economic opportunities is a significant obstacle for the Taliban to gain recognition. Other participants, what are your thoughts on this?
Another resolve , that Taliban can bring in a bunch of alters in their regulations for instance : remove some rules which are not acceptable .further more, in which book has been written that womenvmust not work and study .
Thank you for your participation and sharing your thoughts on the issue of the Taliban gaining recognition from the international community. It’s important to remember that our goal here is to respect and include diverse perspectives. Let’s continue the discussion with an open mind and respectful tone.
yes I agree with you
The international community may recognize the Taliban-led government if they establish an inclusive government, respect human rights, particularly women’s rights, and fulfill their obligations. Opening schools and providing education opportunities for all, as well as addressing the concerns and demands of the Afghan people, will also contribute to their potential recognition. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. What are your opinions on this matter?
In my opinion, if the Taliban continue like this, it’s impossible to recognize by the international community.
To facilitate their legitimization, the Taliban must establish an inclusive government, remove restrictions on women’s education and employment, and address the demands of the international community and the Afghan people.
In my opinion, if the Taliban act according to Islam, there is no problem because Islam is not against the education and work of women
Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and perspectives on the topic. It seems that there is a general consensus among the participants that for the Taliban-led government to gain recognition from the international community, they must address key issues such as creating inclusivity, granting equal rights to women, fulfilling commitments made in negotiations, and building trust with the Afghan people. It is also important for their actions to align with international standards and norms.
Is there anything else you would like to add to this discussion?
I think if the Taliban want to recognize by the international community, they should change their organization and their behavior about women and other ethnics.
Recognition of the Taliban by the international community is possible if they change their organization and behavior towards women and other ethnic groups.
I agree with you, they talk about Islam in speach, but many method of them are not in Islam.
The purpose of this discussion is to share opinions and explore understanding. Your opinions are important, please feel free to talk about them. That’s an interesting perspective, other participants please feel free to share your opinions. What are your thoughts on this idea?
Sure, you’re completely right.
Thank you all for sharing your valuable opinions on the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. It seems that there are several key factors that need to be addressed in order for this recognition to take place. These factors include the establishment of an inclusive government that represents all ethnicities, the removal of restrictions on women’s education and work, ensuring stability and respect for human rights, and addressing the concerns of the international community regarding terrorism. Additionally, the Taliban should be open to engaging in meaningful dialogue and negotiations with other countries. Building trust and gaining the support of the Afghan people is crucial for establishing credibility and legitimacy. Ultimately, the decision to recognize the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan will depend on a careful consideration of these factors by the international community.
Another reason why the Taliban is not recognized by the international community is that they want to run the government alone. We have many educated young people in Afghanistan who are unemployed and the Taliban do not assign them duties. The only criterion for assigning duties to The nation believes that he should have been martyred or committed suicide.
The discussion has explored various perspectives on the topic. It is important for the Taliban to address the concerns and demands of the international community and the Afghan people if they want to gain recognition. This includes creating an inclusive government, allowing women to have equal rights and access to education and work, and fulfilling their commitments made in the Doha negotiations. By demonstrating a commitment to these issues, the Taliban may have a better chance of gaining legitimacy from the international community.
Sure, I agree with you
Thank you all for your valuable contributions to the discussion. It is clear that there are various factors that can influence the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. These factors include issues such as the establishment of an inclusive government, the respect for human rights and freedoms, the empowerment of women and girls, and the fulfillment of commitments made in the Doha negotiations. It is also important for the Taliban to address concerns about terrorism and demonstrate their commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region. The future of Afghanistan’s government recognition remains uncertain, and it is crucial for the Taliban to take actions that promote legitimacy and gain the trust of the international community.
Yes, Ithink same as you, but how should the Taliban be forced to respect these rights and freedoms of citizens?