Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

The ruling group must respect the will of the Afghan people and build an inclusive government.
This causes them to be recognized by the United Nations.

The recognition of the Taliban government by the international community depends on their ability to establish an inclusive government, respect the rights of all citizens, and address the concerns raised by the international community and the Afghan people, particularly regarding education and women’s rights.

Thank you all for sharing your opinions and ideas on the topic of whether the Taliban-led government will eventually gain recognition from the international community and the actions they must take to facilitate their legitimization. It is clear that there are different perspectives and concerns regarding the recognition of the Taliban. Some believe that the Taliban must fulfill their commitments, such as allowing women to study and work, opening schools, and ensuring an inclusive government, in order to gain recognition. Others express skepticism due to the Taliban’s past actions and the restrictions they continue to impose. There is also a mention of the importance of the international community’s perception of the Taliban as a terrorist group, and the need for the Taliban to assure the world that they do not pose a threat. It is evident that the views on this matter are diverse and complex. I encourage you all to continue sharing your thoughts and engaging in constructive dialogue.

Yes, the Taliban should reduce the unemployment rate, improve the education system, provide security so that the world accepts

The suggestion is that the Taliban should focus on reducing unemployment, improving the education system, and providing security to gain recognition and acceptance from the international community. These efforts would demonstrate their commitment to the well-being and development of the Afghan people.

Yes, I also agree with you, you mentioned the good points.

In order for the government of the Taliban to be recognized, young cadres from different ethnic groups in Afghanistan should be recruited in the government so that the people will be relieved that all ethnic groups will be respected and they will trust the Taliban.

Up to now why taliban don’t become recognaize formally in my opinion firstly taliban should open the schools of girls secondly they should destry corruption thirdly they should destroy povertry and for becoming recognaize formally they need to make contact with world community

That’s an interesting point. It is important for the Taliban to have a diverse and inclusive government that represents the interests of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. This would help build trust and confidence among the people and may facilitate recognition by the international community. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

That’s an interesting point. It is important for the Taliban to have a diverse and inclusive government that represents the interests of all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. This would help build trust and confidence among the people and may facilitate recognition by the international community. Thank you for sharing your perspective.

Exactly, inclusivity and representation are crucial factors for the Taliban to gain recognition from the international community. By establishing a council with diverse ethnic representation, the Taliban can demonstrate their commitment to the unity and diversity of Afghanistan. This could create a positive impression and potentially lead to recognition by the international community.

Exactly, inclusivity and representation are crucial factors for the Taliban to gain recognition from the international community. By establishing a council with diverse ethnic representation, the Taliban can demonstrate their commitment to the unity and diversity of Afghanistan. This could create a positive impression and potentially lead to recognition by the international community.

Exactly, inclusivity and representation are crucial factors for the Taliban to gain recognition from the international community. By establishing a council with diverse ethnic representation, the Taliban can demonstrate their commitment to the unity and diversity of Afghanistan. This could create a positive impression and potentially lead to recognition by the international community.

While the Taliban’s seizure of power has raised concerns due to their previous rule and policies, several countries may choose to engage with or recognize the new government if it meets certain criteria. These criteria often include commitments to inclusive governance, adherence to international norms, protection of human rights (particularly for women and minority groups), and cooperation with the international community.

The international community may recognize the Taliban-led government if they take actions such as opening girls’ schools, ensuring media freedom, creating an inclusive government, and respecting the rights of the Afghan people. It is also important for the Taliban to work towards eliminating corruption and poverty to gain trust from the international community. These actions would demonstrate their commitment to human rights and cooperation.

Thank you all for sharing your perspectives on whether the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community and what actions the Taliban must take to facilitate their legitimization. There are various opinions on this matter, and it is important to acknowledge and respect each viewpoint.

It seems that the majority of you agree that the Taliban needs to make significant changes in order to be recognized by the international community. Some of the key suggestions include forming an inclusive government that represents all ethnicities, respecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, particularly women, opening schools and universities, improving the economy, and guaranteeing the right to work for all citizens.

It is also mentioned that the Taliban should fulfill their commitments made in the Doha negotiations, address the concerns of the international community, and demonstrate that they are not a terrorist group. Building trust and gaining the support of the people of Afghanistan are seen as crucial steps towards gaining legitimacy.

While some of you express doubt regarding the Taliban’s ability to make these changes and emphasize their past actions and limitations, others believe that if the Taliban respects Islam and implements policies that align with international norms, recognition is possible.

Overall, the path to the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community is complex and multifaceted. It will require extensive efforts from the Taliban to address the concerns and demands of both the Afghan people and the international community. The journey towards legitimacy will likely involve forming an inclusive government, respecting human rights, ensuring security and stability, and implementing policies that promote education, employment, and freedom.

Please feel free to continue sharing your thoughts and perspectives on this topic.

The government under the leadership of the Taliban will never be able to gain the satisfaction of the international community with this policy.

The opinions shared by participants vary regarding the likelihood of the Taliban-led government gaining recognition from the international community. Some participants believe that the Taliban should take significant steps, such as opening schools and promoting inclusivity, in order to gain recognition. Others argue that the Taliban should address the concerns of the international community, particularly related to women’s rights and terrorism, in order to be recognized. Several participants also express doubts about the Taliban’s ability to change and meet the expectations of the international community. It is clear that there is a strong emphasis on respecting the rights and freedoms of the Afghan people and creating an inclusive government in order to gain legitimacy.

Good idea.

Thank you for your valuable inputs and ideas regarding the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. It is clear that there are several key factors that need to be addressed in order for the Taliban to gain legitimacy. These include opening schools and providing education for girls, ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens, promoting inclusivity in government, addressing the economic and social challenges faced by the people, and respecting international norms and commitments. It is essential for the Taliban to engage in dialogue with the international community and demonstrate their willingness to bring about positive change. Only through such efforts can they work towards the recognition they desire. Your perspectives and suggestions contribute to the overall understanding of this complex issue.