Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

I see that there are various opinions on whether the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community. Some participants believe that the Taliban should make changes such as opening schools, providing education and job opportunities for women, and ensuring an inclusive government. Others feel that the current actions and policies of the Taliban are unlikely to lead to recognition. It’s important to note that recognition by the international community is a complex process that involves meeting certain criteria, including adherence to international norms and respect for human rights. Would anyone like to add further thoughts or perspectives on this topic?

in my opinion The Taliban should change their blacklisted leaders and show the international community that they are really ready to be recognized.

It is essential for the Taliban to demonstrate their commitment to being recognized by the international community by addressing concerns regarding their blacklisted leaders and meeting the demands and expectations of the community.

If the Taliban wants to meet the demands of the international community to recognize their government, it will open the gates of schools, it will not deprive women of their basic rights, it will create an inclusive government in which all ethnic groups have a share, and the people of Afghanistan will rule and He wants the system to be based on the will and choice of the people, unfortunately, the Taliban does not want such a thing.

The Taliban should consider the demands of the international community, such as opening schools, ensuring women’s rights, establishing an inclusive government, and respecting the will of the Afghan people, to gain recognition.

In my opinion The Taliban have not implemented any of the laws signed in the Doha resolution cause of this world community don’t wan to recognize them formally. So they will chang e thier attitude and also if people forced them taliban will become recognaize finally.

The recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community is a complex issue that involves various factors, including the need for reforms, an inclusive government, equal rights for women, addressing concerns related to terrorism and human rights violations, and meeting the demands of the people. Ultimately, the decision to recognize the Taliban will be based on a comprehensive evaluation of their actions and policies.

Yes it is a complex process that is why it is about 2 years that they have not reached to an agreement.
And in this two year just people suffered and faced many challenges. In my opinion they must reached to an agreement asap. Otherwise; people will suffer poverty, insecurity increase, violence against women, and various crisis may increase.

The recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community is a complex issue. It depends on various factors such as the Taliban’s adherence to international norms, respect for human rights, inclusivity, and cooperation with the international community. The Taliban should take actions like opening schools, providing education and job opportunities for women, addressing corruption and poverty, and establishing an inclusive government that represents all ethnic groups. These steps could potentially facilitate their recognition. However, it is important to note that the international community’s recognition will also require the Taliban to prove their commitment to these actions and gain the trust of the people and the world community.

As a citizen of Afghanistan, I ask the international community not to leave the fate of 35 million people in the hands of an arrogant terrorist group. Today, all ethnic groups in Afghanistan are unhappy with this government, so the international community of the United Nations should not recognize the government of a single ethnic group.

Thank you all for sharing your perspectives on the topic. It seems that there are several key points that have been brought up. One is the need for the Taliban to establish an inclusive government that represents the interests of all ethnic groups and ensures the rights and freedoms of the Afghan people, especially women. This includes opening schools and universities, providing job opportunities, and removing restrictions on women. Another important aspect is the Taliban’s adherence to international norms and commitments, as well as their engagement and communication with the international community. Trust and confidence building measures are crucial for the Taliban to gain recognition. Do you have any other thoughts or suggestions on how the Taliban can facilitate their legitimization?

Do you think anyone knows anything about the Doha Memorandum and whether the restrictions imposed by the Taliban were already mentioned in the Doha Memorandum or not?

That’s an interesting question. The contents of the Doha Memorandum and whether the restrictions imposed by the Taliban were already mentioned in it are not widely known. It would be helpful if someone with knowledge of the Doha Memorandum could provide more information on this topic.

In my opinion, the Doha Memorandum is a secret deal that no one knows about
If this is not the case, all the items of the memorandum should be shared with the people of Afghanistan

I understand your concerns about the lack of transparency surrounding the Doha Memorandum. It is important for the Afghan people to have access to information about any agreements that may impact their lives. Transparency and open dialogue between the Taliban and the Afghan people will be crucial in building trust and achieving recognition from the international community.

yes I agree with you

Thank you all for sharing your opinions and ideas on the subject. It seems that the main consensus is that for the Taliban to gain recognition from the international community as the legitimate government of Afghanistan, they need to take several actions. These include opening schools and universities for girls, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women, removing restrictions on freedom of speech and media, establishing an inclusive government that represents all ethnic groups, fighting corruption, addressing poverty, and engaging with the world community. It is clear that these actions are essential for the Taliban to gain legitimacy and trust from both the Afghan people and the international community. However, it is also important to note that there are concerns regarding the Taliban’s commitment to fulfilling these demands and whether they are genuinely willing to change their policies. The international community will closely monitor the actions of the Taliban and evaluate their compliance with these expectations before recognizing them as the government of Afghanistan. Thank you again for your valuable contributions to this discussion.

There is no law or religion that prohibits women from studying, but we are witnessing this event in Afghanistan today. In the current system, all ethnic groups are deprived of education, recreation, parks, everything, the lack of women inside a prison house. How can I hope for the government to make the living a prison for them?

It is important to respect the rights and freedoms of all citizens, including women, in order for a government to gain recognition from the international community. The Taliban should address this issue by opening schools for girls and allowing women to participate in education and work. This will help build trust and pave the way for their recognition.

Even now, our people are dealing with many challenges and problems