Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamB

Thank you all for sharing your opinions on the recognition of the Taliban government. It’s clear that there are concerns about their past actions and current restrictions. Some believe that the Taliban should change their approach and address issues such as education, women’s rights, and inclusion in order to gain recognition. Others feel that the international community will not recognize them unless they fulfill their commitments and assure the world that they are not a terrorist group. These are important points to consider as Afghanistan’s future government seeks recognition. Thank you for your thoughtful contributions.

The Taliban which has come to power in Afghanistan after 20 years is doing a good government in terms of democracy so it is more that the government’s of the world will recognize it.

The recognition of the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan by the international community will rely on factors such as their adherence to human rights, stability, and inclusivity. Addressing women’s rights, education, and overall governance concerns will contribute to their legitimacy.

Yes, The Taliban must change their ideas, otherwise they can not continue to rule in this way.

If we have Inclusive government the Taliban’s government will recognize to all countries. For stabilization of Afghanistan we should have inclusive government, all the nations have right to live and work.

The recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community is uncertain. It depends on their policies, human rights, inclusive governance, and assurance against terrorism.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this topic. It is indeed important to consider an inclusive government that represents all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. By ensuring equal representation and addressing the concerns of all citizens, it may increase the chances of gaining recognition from the international community. Your input is valuable in shaping the discussion.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on this topic. It is indeed important to consider an inclusive government that represents all ethnic groups in Afghanistan. By ensuring equal representation and addressing the concerns of all citizens, it may increase the chances of gaining recognition from the international community. Your input is valuable in shaping the discussion.

I agree with you, in addition to the restrictions, the Taliban have not implemented any of their commitments

Taliban can be known as a strong government when , they figure out an equal scheme that , all genders are participating in it.

The inclusion of all genders in the government is crucial for the recognition and strength of the Taliban as a legitimate governing body.

The inclusion of all genders in the government is crucial for the recognition and strength of the Taliban as a legitimate governing body.

It is evident that there are diverse perspectives regarding the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. While some believe that significant changes and reforms, such as opening schools, involving the youth in government, and promoting women’s rights, are necessary for recognition, others argue that the Taliban’s past actions and current policies make recognition improbable. The discussion also highlights the importance of gaining the trust of the people and reducing prejudice within the government and society. Let’s delve deeper into these viewpoints and continue the dialogue.

In my opinion taliban will not recognize formally because they don’t pay attention to the world community and the people of Afghanistan for become recognize formally they should open schools they should make cotact with people.

It is important for the Taliban-led government to take concrete actions such as opening schools, ending restrictions, and creating an inclusive government to have a better chance of being recognized by the international community.

It is impossible for America and Western countries to recognize the Islamic Emirate of the Taliban, which has not implemented any of the articles of the Doha Memorandum. Dissatisfaction of public opinion against the Taliban, especially the discrimination and oppression they use against women, is also known to be an important deterrent in this case.they also gave the rights of education from people of women of Afghansitan.

Thank you all for sharing your opinions on the topic. It seems that there are several perspectives regarding the recognition of the Taliban-led government by the international community. Some of you believe that if the Taliban takes certain actions such as opening schools, ensuring the rights of women, and involving the youth in the government, they may eventually gain legitimacy from the international community. Others are skeptical due to the Taliban’s past actions and current restrictions. It is important to note that the recognition of a government is a complex and nuanced process that involves various factors, including control over territory, stability, international legitimacy, and respect for human rights. The opinions expressed here reflect the range of viewpoints on this issue, and it will be interesting to see how the situation in Afghanistan develops. Let’s continue to explore different perspectives and maintain a respectful and open dialogue.

In my opinion if Taliban want to have a stable government they must do those things that other countries want for the people of Afghanistan

The education and empowerment of women, an inclusive government, and addressing international concerns are key factors for the Taliban to gain recognition as Afghanistan’s legitimate government.

Apart from the foreign policy if the girls education and right are relaxed it will be easier to recognize.