Day 3: Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamC

Day 3: September 1 9:30-18:30 Kabul time

Afghanistan Future: Government Recognition_TeamC


“The Taliban has not been recognized by any country since seizing power in Afghanistan in 2021, and the International community has not yet made a decision to recognize the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan. Do you believe that the Taliban-led government will eventually gain legitimacy from the international community, and what actions must the Taliban take to facilitate their legitimization?”

Discussion flow and schedule:

During this discussion (9:30-18:30), we will proceed through four distinct discussion phases. Kindly follow to the outlined phases and their sequence as follows:

First Phase: Issue prioritization (9:30~11:30, 2 hours):
First (9:30~10:30): Please list the main cause of Taliban-led government legitimacy issues that why the International community has not yet made a decision to recognize the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan.
Following this, from 10:30-11:30, prioritize the top five factors/main issues that International community decided do not recognize the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan.

Translation in the local language:
فاز اول: اولویت‌بندی مسائل (ساعت 9:30 تا 11:30، برای 2 ساعت): لطفاً علت اصلی مشكلات مرتبط با شناخته نشدن رسمیت حکومت سرپرست طالبان توسط جامعه بین الملل را بیان نمائید، و از میان آنها، پنج عامل عمده ی که در ایجاد این مشکل نقش عمده دارد، را اولویت‌بندی نمایید.

Phase Two: Ideation on Prioritized Issues (11:30~13:30, 2 hours)
Over the next two hours, kindly provide your opinions on how to address or solve the top five prioritized issues that you identified during the initial phase of our discussion.

Translation in the local language:
فاز دوم: ایده‌پردازی درباره مسائل اولویت‌بندی شده (ساعت 11:30 تا 13:30، 2 ساعت)
در طی دو ساعت آینده، لطفاً نظرات خود را در مورد چگونگی راه حل پنج مسئله اولویت‌بندی شده که در فاز اول بحث پیرامون به عدم رسمیت شناسی حکومت سرپرست طالبان نقش دارد و تشخیص داده‌اید، ارائه دهید.

Phase Three: Identifying the challenges that lies in the proposed solutions (13:30-15:30, 2 hours)
First (13:3014:30): Engage in a discussion regarding the challenges associated with implementing the proposed solutions to help the Taliban-led government to gain legitimacy from the international community which offered by your fellow participants within your groups.

Subsequently, from 14:30 to 15:30, prioritize the five most challenging solutions that might face difficulties in implementation while recognizIng the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan. For instance, consider ideas that might effectively address issues in the other countries but prove ineffective in resolving problems specific to Afghanistan due to Taliban ideology or principles.

Translation in the local language:
فاز سوم: شناسایی چالش‌های موجود در راه‌حل‌های پیشنهادی (ساعت 13:30 تا 15:30، 2 ساعت
بخش اول (ساعت 13:30 الی 14:30): در مرحله اول بحث، به چالش‌های مرتبط با اجرای راه‌حل‌های پیشنهادی توسط شرکت‌کنندگان دیگر در گروه‌های خود بپردازید.
سپس، از ساعت 14:30 تا 15:30، پنج راه‌حلی که احتمالاً تطبیق ان توسط طالبان در أفغانستان با مشکلات مواجه خواهند شد، را مشخص سازید. به عنوان مثال، ایده‌هایی که به خوبی به مشکلات سایر کشورها پاسخ می‌دهند، ممکن است برای حل مسائل خاص افغانستان کارآمد نباشند. یا ایده‌هایی که در افغانستان کار می‌کنند، در سایر کشورها به کار نمی‌آیند.

Final phase: Facilitating arguments on ideated opinions & evaluating/voting most suitable solutions (15:30~18:30, 2 hours)
First (15:30-17:30): Engage in a comprehensive discussion on how best we ca apply the proposed solutions that are applicable to open the doors of legitimizition of Taliban-led government by national and international community.

Subsequently, from 17:30-18:30, please individually rank the top five ideas/solutions that you deem feasible for implementation by Taliban-led government to help their system and government legitimacy by international community. Following this, as a collective effort involving all group members, choose the five most suitable solutions to be implemented in order to facilitate the process to make a decision to recognize the Taliban as the Government of Afghanistan.

Translation in the local language:
فاز نهایی: بحث‌ در مورد نظرات ارائه‌شده و ارزیابی/رأی‌گیری برای راه‌حل‌های مناسب‌تر پیشنهادی (ساعت *13:30 تا 15:30، 2 ساعت)
بخش اول (ساعت 15:30 تا 17:30): در یک بحث جامع، لطفا به این بپردازید که چگونه می‌توانیم به بهترین شکل راه‌حل‌های پیشنهادی را که قابل اجرا توسط حکومت سرپرست طالبان پیرامون به رسمیت شناسایی شان در افغانستان هستند، اجرا کنیم.
سپس، از ساعت 17:30 تا 18:30، لطفاً به صورت فردی پنج ایده/راه‌حل را که به عقیده انفرادی شما قابل اجرا توسط حکومت سرپرست طالبان در افغانستان هستند، رتبه‌بندی نمائید. پس از آن، به عنوان کار گروپی که تمام اعضای گروه در آن شرکت می‌کنند، پنج راه‌حل مناسب‌تر را که همه اعضای گروپ فکر میکنند که در أفغانستان توسط حکومت سرپرست طالبان پیرامون به رسمیت شناسایی شان قابل تطبیق میباشد را انتخاب نمائید.

The END.

in my opinion if they don’t stop this situation, no country has ever recognized the Taliban, and if they do not put an end to Darp, then no other country will recognize them, Don’t let any country they don’t recognize.

I think, Day by day the situation of Afghanistan wroste if they don’t accept allTerms and conditions of the international community.

In my opinion there is not any country to recognize taliban except the countries that has their personally usage from Afghanistan
I think the people of Afghanistan shouldn’t let the world to recognize taliban because afghans have no right in taliban government

If the Taliban think wisely first they would open schools because there is a big way for them to world recognize them
But as we see they are not act logically but they are acting ideologically

Still Taliban are not thinking about girl’s education and their only concern is to be recognized which is not going to happen

I think if the taliban go ahead like this i don’t anyone would recognize them, because recognizing the taliban has some rules and terms that taliban should do that.

Well, I think after republic government fall down and the Taliban, this regime try alot to be recognized by the global, but till now they have not reached to this.

Hi everyone
In my opinion the recognition of the Taliban as the government of Afghanistan is a complex and controversial issue which has concepts for the security , human rights and diplomacy of the country.

The taliban don’t want to recognize
Because they con not provide any term and and conditions of international community.

I believe, by this construction(Qanon Asasi) that taliban has, no one should recognize them.
Even our own people don’t accept them as a government.

Yes brother, exactly if the Taliban go ahead like this as my view they won’t be recognized by any century, and the word will never trust on them as a government.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

「いいね!」 1

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems that there are concerns about the Taliban’s actions and ideology hindering their recognition by the international community. It would be interesting to explore the specific actions or changes that the Taliban would need to take to gain legitimacy. I invite other participants to share their thoughts on this matter.