Media Censor Crisis in Post 2021 Afghanistan-Testing Team A

There is growing self-censorship and editorial appeasement of the Taliban. Freedom of expression has largely disappeared.
Music is no longer broadcast and women rarely appear in the media. Female TV presenters must wear a face covering.
More than 300 media outlets have closed and many journalists and media activists have left the country.
There were 9.2 million internet users by July 2022, comprising 22% of the population.

Exactly! Media can make or break a nation. For this reason, the current government has taken the censorship of the media seriously, fearing that they might be lost.

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The Taliban believes that they lost the intellectual war which is kind of true and now sensor the the media whis they believe most of our people had been betrayed by foreigns with use of these platforms, so in most parts its kind of good but they hide their violence behind it, so the main problem is with lack of knowledge of our people. So what we can is empower our people with knowledge so they could distinguish between right and wrong to fight for their rights.

Media censor refers to the practice of controlling and restricting the flow of information in the media by the government or other authorities. This can involve blocking websites, filtering content, and limiting access to information. The purpose of media censorship is often to control the narrative and prevent the spread of information that could be seen as harmful or threatening to the government or ruling regime. However, it is often viewed as a violation of freedom of speech and press freedom, and can have a negative impact on democracy and human rights.

According to my perspective censorship is the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are offensive, happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional.

The common benefit of the censorship is such as :
It can protect people from slander intentionally making a false accusation or claim against someone in order to hurt their reputation or violent threats. It can strengthen national security by keeping information away from enemies.

According to mitigate media censorship in post-2021 Afghanistan and ensure an accurate portrayal of events, several measures can be taken. Firstly, international organizations and governments should put pressure on the Afghan authorities to uphold freedom of press and expression. This includes advocating for legal reforms to protect journalists and media outlets from arbitrary shutdowns and censorship. Secondly, providing training and resources to journalists and media professionals can improve their ability to report objectively and responsibly. Supporting independent media organizations and promoting citizen journalism can also help in diversifying news sources and preventing state-controlled narratives. Lastly, implementing transparency mechanisms and fact-checking systems can hold media outlets accountable and ensure accurate information dissemination.

I think the international organization should provide protection, support, and resources to journalists who face risks for their work, ensuring their safety and freedom to continue reporting for media organizations.

I completely agree with this statement. It is evident that the media in Afghanistan is currently facing immense pressure from the Taliban since their takeover in August. This not only puts the lives of journalists at risk but also threatens their families’ safety. Both the media and the government need to take immediate action to address and resolve the issue of media censorship in Afghanistan.

The common strategies for solving this problem in Afghanistan’s northeast ,is the Taliban also cut the internet to deter online recruitment by opposing force . Activists and human rights organizations say there continue to be targeted shutdowns to stifle protest and restrict media reporting on violations in regions countrys.

the crises of media censorship is a big crises in the country after 2021 which cases the freedom of expression to be ignored.

consorship in the media can shut down freedom of expression and leave people unware of real event.

one of the crises of media censorship can be called the increase the crime without people being aware of the crimes.

Not all censoring is meant to be used to maintain security. This option only sometimes meets the needs of organizations; But censorship itself, in a general sense, is considered as creating restrictions in intelligence and non-intelligence organizations. In the current situation, the censoring of the media by the authoritarian government in the country is only to limit the information to the people and is mostly used to choke the throat and the voice of freedom of expression.

In old regime we had that half society that you are talking about but still some guys toke over them, so this means what you call half of society its not true, of course they play valuable rule but not like what the foreign make some of us to believe them as half of society.

Why do you think that we should share to the world about our inner political or any other plans?

From who they wanna hide? Didn’t you see in the past even when they knew their plans and no body cared? I think we should think more about to whom we are complaining.

Yes freedom of speech is our right but it doesn’t mean we can use it in any way we want but we see most of even don’t know what the hell they are saying, not oy they dont say the truth or defend from our people rights but they cause them more problems. So first we should learn what we really should talk about, to whom should we talk to and how should use this right to not harm anyone else.

I think you got it wrong, we have special authorities to act as bridge between government and people, we can’t rely on media. You can find lots of videos on the internet that the president of USA says we won’t let the Taliban to take over Afghanistan at no cost and like this we got lots videos and newspapers but all them were lies. And you talked about United Nations i think you should stop trusting everyone.

Media is platform sharing info and it can be used in both ways good or bad. We can count Media one of the tools that they used to breakdown the old regime by share lots false information to make people not to trust the government even though that government was not trustworthy but most of our people really trusted them. So Taliban dont the same thing happen to them