Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

Raise Issues and Problems!!!

We’re currently in the Issue Identification phase. Please identify and note down all concerns tied to this topic Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙. :grinning:

apakah multipartai pada suatu negara adalah hal yang terbaik bagi indonesia, mengingat negara maju seperti amerika hanya memiliki dua partai saja.

akhirnya sekianlama para capres belum menetapkan cawapres, anies dan surya paloh selaku king maker membuat keputusan dengan mengajak muhaimin menjadi cawapres anis sehingga membuat demokrat yang selama ini berharap menjadi cawapres anis akhirnya gagal sehingga muncul perasaan dikhianati. kita tidak tahu apakah sebuah kegagalan dalam menentukancawapres dianggap sebuah pengkhianatan atau karna sebuah gagalnya kerjasama antar partai. nin yang harus menjadi perfhatian kita semua bahwa dengan sisitem politik yang ada diindonesia ini mengharuskan terjadinya tidak ada titik temunya antar partai.

isu yang banyak beredar saat ini dikatakan bahwa pemilu 2024 ini gadang- gadang sebagai pesta pemilihan para pebisnis. bukan hanya sekedar pemilihan pemimpin negara melainkan banyaknyan kepentingan pribadi dari berbagai golongan atas bisnis yang ingin mendapatkan keuntungan pribadi atau kelompok

bagaimana pendapat anda tentang verifikasi parpol yang mengalami kecurangan

I appreciate your insights on the issue of the upcoming 2024 election. It seems that there is a concern that the election may revolve around the interests of business people, rather than solely focusing on the selection of national leaders. This raises questions about personal and group interests from various business groups.

To delve deeper into this issue, what specific personal and group interests do you think might influence the election? Are there any particular industries or sectors that are more likely to be involved in seeking personal or group benefits? Let’s explore the potential impact these interests may have on the electoral process.

Hello everyone! Welcome to this innovative and exciting discussion on the upcoming Indonesian presidential election in 2024. It’s a pleasure to have you all here, and I’m thrilled to dive into the various issues and topics surrounding this important event.

In the Ice Break phase, we had an engaging self-introduction session, where we got to know each other better. I appreciate everyone taking the time to share a bit about themselves and their interests. It’s wonderful to see such a diverse and talented group here.

Now, we have transitioned into the Issue Identification phase, where we get the opportunity to raise key concerns and problems related to the topic at hand. I encourage you all to share your thoughts and enumerate the issues you see regarding the upcoming election. Remember, every viewpoint matters, and your insights will contribute to a comprehensive and inclusive discussion.

Feel free to raise any concerns or questions you may have about the presidential election, its impact, the candidates, or any other related issue. Let’s explore innovative perspectives together and find innovative and constructive solutions.

Thank you all for your active participation, and I look forward to hearing your valuable insights!

Menurut anda janji manis apa yang harus disiapkan oleh calon presiden agar masyarakat percaya dan yakin untuk memilih kandidat tersebut?

Are there debates about the fairness of elections, such as redistricting or redistricting, that might influence the outcome of the 2024 election?

I’m glad you brought up the topic of fairness in elections. It’s an important aspect that can have a significant impact on the outcome. Redistricting, for instance, is a topic that often comes up when discussing the fairness of elections. Different methods of redistricting can have varying effects on the representation of different groups, potentially influencing the outcome of elections. Are there any specific concerns or issues related to redistricting that you would like us to explore further?