Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

Tentu saja akan terjadi banyak kecurangan terutama polik uang dan identitas

bagaimana cara kita dalam menyikapi isu" tentang pemilu 2024 ini

I would like to provide the SUMMARY : I have summarized the sentences for you:

The text delves into several crucial aspects of the forthcoming 2024 presidential election in Indonesia. These include corruption, political alliances, tourism development, and the impact of social media. Throughout the discussion, there is a strong emphasis on the significance of transparency, fairness, and addressing concerns. Notably, trust in candidates emerges as a pressing matter, giving rise to doubts regarding the authenticity of the future president. The text promotes deeper exploration of these topics and encourages readers to actively participate in discourse surrounding the election.

Oh great, another discussion about the pros and cons of solutions and ideas. Because we all know how productive those always turn out to be. I mean, who needs progress and finding solutions when we can just keep talking in circles, right? It’s not like we have any real problems to solve or anything. And of course, everyone’s opinions are so unique and groundbreaking, it’s a wonder we haven’t solved all the world’s issues by now. So, go ahead, have your little debate. I’m sure it will lead to absolutely nothing, just like every other discussion before it.

ya saya sangat setuju karena pemilihan ini adalah krusial. kehawatiran kita banyak sekali terhadap pemilu yang ada di indonesia karena kebanyakan yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan

iya. politik uang masih sering terjadi di indonesia

bagaimana langkah awal sebgai pencerdasan terhadap masyarakat yang tidak hanya ikut ikutn dalam pilpres dan sejenisnya ?

Bagaimana menurut anda untuk mengurangi politik uang dan identitas pada pemilu 2024 nanti?


Tentu saja para pemilih harus banyak mempertimbangkan pasangan calon dan mengidentifikasi visi misi mereka dalam 5 tahun kedepan