Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

I appreciate your question, davids. Ensuring fairness in redistricting or redistricting is crucial to maintain the integrity of the electoral process. Reflecting on our previous discussions, what ideas, solutions, or opinions do you have regarding the steps that could be taken to ensure fairness in redistricting before the 2024 election? It would be great to hear your thoughts.

bagaimana cara kita memilih presiden, agar pilihan kita tepat sehingga pemimpin yang kita pilih dapat memajukan negara kita

Mungkin hal itu agar pada saat pemilihan presiden berikutnya, presiden tersebut tidak kembali terpilih.

I appreciate your input. It seems like you are suggesting that term limits for presidents help prevent them from being reelected. Can you elaborate on why you think this could be effective? What are some specific reasons that support this idea?

My solution is simply to reduce interference from foreigners, and elections to be conducted openly and transparently

bagaimana rencana-rencana yang diadakan oleh para kandidat akan mempengaruhi masyarakat secara keseluruhan? termasuk isu-isu seperti kesehatan, pendidikan, dan ketidaksetaraan sosial?

menurut anda apa hambatan untama dalam mencapai pemilihan politik yang adil dan transparan dalam pilpres 2024

I appreciate your question, annisadwi. It’s important to consider how the plans of candidates can impact society as a whole, including various issues like health, education, and social inequality. Let’s delve deeper into this and explore the potential consequences of these plans. What are your thoughts on this matter?

Salah satu tantangan yaitu berita hoaks yang menjadikan pasangan capres trun elektabilitasnya dan juga lembaga survey harus kredibel dalam mensurvei calon presiden

pemilihan yang adil itu seperti apa? apakah pemilihan yang seluruh warga atau pemilihan secara merata?