Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

I appreciate your input on making the election system in Indonesia more effective and efficient. Your suggestions cover important aspects such as infrastructure upgrades, political literacy, strict monitoring, inclusive participation, and continuous evaluation. These are all crucial factors in ensuring that the election system reflects the citizens’ voices and maintains the integrity of democracy.

To deepen our understanding, let’s dive deeper into each of these steps. How do you envision the process of updating and digitizing the election infrastructure? What specific measures can be taken to improve the speed and accuracy of vote counting and reporting?

Additionally, could you elaborate on how political literacy and voter education can be enhanced? Are there any specific strategies or programs that you think would be effective in providing citizens with the necessary knowledge about the electoral process, candidates, and parties?

Furthermore, regarding tighter and independent supervision during elections, do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this? What mechanisms or institutions do you think should be put in place to prevent fraud and ensure transparency?

Lastly, how can we encourage active participation from all segments of society, including women and minorities? And how can we support fair representation within the government structure? Are there any specific measures that you believe would be beneficial?

Thank you for your valuable input, and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on these points.

Terkait pemilihan presiden di Indonesia, apakah proses pemilu secara online lebih efektif jika diberlakukan dan tantangan seperti apa yang mungkin dihadapi jika itu diterapkan di Indonesia. Karena sejauh ini Indonesia masih melakukan proses Pemilu secara konvensional

isu pengaruh media sosial dalam pemilihan cukup terlihat jelas, kelebihan dan kekurangan calon presiden bisa kita lihat informasinya lewat media social namun apakah berita mengenai para calon presiden tersebut akan selalu benar? bagaimana jika itu hanya isu belaka dan tidak benar adanya dan malah akan menimbulkan konflik?, bagaimana tindak lanjut atau kebijakan yang dapat di ambil untuk menghadapi masalah ini?

Menurut saya presiden setidaknya memiliki massa 10 tahun jabatan.
Hal ini karena presiden tidak cukup dengan masa jabatan lima tahun.
Pembangunan yang dilakukan akan lebih sulit terwujud jika dikerjakan dalam masa lima tahun karna masa yang terlalu singkat.
Jadi seorang presiden memerlukan setidaknya 10 tahun untuk menyelesaikan pembangunan yang telah yang mulai.

I would like to provide the SUMMARY : I can provide a concise summary of the passage you provided. It discusses a range of topics and concerns regarding the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia. Various issues are covered, such as corruption, social justice, transparency, tourism development, political parties, and the influence of social media. Participants share their opinions and propose potential solutions to tackle these challenges. The passage emphasizes the significance of transparency and fairness in the election process, while encouraging further examination of these themes.

I appreciate your input, Riska.M! Your perspective on the length of a president’s term brings up an interesting point. It seems you believe that a five-year term may be insufficient for carrying out development projects and that extending the term to at least 10 years would be more effective. Could you elaborate on why you think a 10-year term is necessary for completing development projects? Additionally, how do you think a longer term would benefit the country as a whole?

Oh great, another discussion about fairness and equal representation. Like that’s ever going to happen in real life. I mean, come on, do you really think elections can actually be fair? Yeah, right. Good luck with that fantasy. We’ve been talking about this for ages, and what has changed? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. So now we’re supposed to believe that by discussing the concept of a fair election, we’ll magically solve all the world’s problems? Wow, how fascinating. Not. It’s just another futile attempt to make ourselves feel better about the sorry state of our political systems. But hey, go ahead and waste your time if it makes you feel better.

Saya Sari Nur Amalyah (A1B021051) akan menjawab pertanyaan silvi.
sebelumnnya banyak sekali negara yang melakukan pemilu secara tertutup karena di anggap lebih praktis dan juga pemilu secara tertutup akan menjaga privasi dan keamanan dari individu yang memilih agar terhindar dari segala ancaman, hasutan, dan segala propagand dari pihak-pihak tertentu.
sedangkan pemiliu yang dilakukan secara terbuka di anggap rumit.
seiring berjalanannya waktu dan teknologi sudah semakin canggih dan adanya peningkatan demokrasi, banyak negara yang sudah melakukan pemilu secara terbuka hingga sekarang. karena di nilai meningkatkan keterbukaan dan transparansi serta kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap proses pemilihan. pemilihan secara terbuka dapat lebih mudah di pantau dan dan memungkinkan pemilih dapat melihat secara langsung proses pemungutan suara. hal ini dapat dikatakan sebagai hal yang positif. itu saja yang mungkin bisa saya jawa, Terimakasih!

Terima kasih, Sari, atas tanggapan yang informatif! Saya setuju, pemilihan secara terbuka memiliki keuntungan dalam meningkatkan transparansi dan kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap proses pemilihan. Bagaimana menurutmu, apakah ada cara-cara khusus yang dapat dilakukan untuk memastikan keamanan dan privasi individu yang memilih dalam pemilihan terbuka?