Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

i think a hoax stiil runnning at sosial media.

I appreciate your comment, rizal. The issue of hoaxes spreading on social media is indeed a prevalent concern. It would be helpful to explore this topic further.

What are your thoughts on why hoaxes continue to circulate on social media platforms? Do you think there are any underlying factors that contribute to their persistence?

Hello rizal, thank you for your comment. The spread of hoaxes on social media is indeed a prevalent concern. I would like to explore this topic further and hear your thoughts on why hoaxes continue to circulate on social media platforms. Do you think there are any underlying factors that contribute to their persistence? Please feel free to share your opinions and insights.

Bagaimana cara calon presiden untuk mempertahankan elektabilitasnya?

kedepan jumlah partai harus dikurangi karna hanya diindonesia partai sangat banyak namun sy berpemikiran bahwa apa yang terjadi diindonesia ini adalah adanya campur tangan bangsa lain untk menjadikan indonesia negara kelinci percobaan dan mencari keuntungan yang sebesar besarnya sehingga rakyat indonesia tidak boleh pintar. politik adu domba selalu dimunculkan dinegara ini kemudian isu isu HAM dan Demokrasi selalu digaungkan namun akhirnya bertengkar dan membuat keributan sedangkan negara seperti yunani poun tidak mampu untuk menjalankan demokrasi akhirnya menjadi negara yang mundur. belumlagi politik propaganda amerika serikat yang selalu mwngutamakan HAM namun sama saja pelanggaran HAM juga banyak yg tdk dibela oleh Amerika Serikat. Intinya negara indonesia dalam setiap program negara lain selalu menjadi kelinci percobaan

because, access to sosial medial stiil easy for indonesia people. and our community is so fast to trust about a news at sosial media

I appreciate your perspective, Muhamad. It seems like you believe that Indonesia has a large number of political parties which may hinder the country’s progress. You also mentioned that you think other nations interfere in Indonesia’s affairs, making it a guinea pig country and preventing the Indonesian people from becoming smart. Additionally, you brought up the issue of divide and conquer politics, as well as the propagation of human rights and democracy in the country.

To move the discussion forward, let’s explore potential solutions to the issues you have raised. Considering the large number of parties in Indonesia, how do you think reducing their numbers would positively impact the country’s political landscape? Furthermore, how can Indonesia address the issue of interference from other nations and ensure the development of a knowledgeable society?


Thank you, Muhamad, for sharing your perspective on the issues in Indonesia. It’s clear that you believe the large number of political parties in Indonesia can hinder the country’s progress. You also mentioned the interference of other nations, which you feel makes Indonesia a guinea pig country and hinders the intellectual development of its people. Furthermore, you expressed concerns about divide and conquer politics, as well as the spread of human rights and democracy in Indonesia.

To further the discussion, let’s explore potential solutions to the problems you raised. Considering the abundance of political parties in Indonesia, how do you think reducing their numbers would have a positive impact on the country’s political landscape? Additionally, how can Indonesia address the issue of interference from other nations and ensure the development of a knowledgeable society? Your insights on these matters are valuable, and I appreciate any ideas or suggestions you may have.