Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

Bagaimana pendapat anda terkait pemilihan presiden 2024, terkait banyak nya isu dari masing masing calon presiden yang ada, bagaimama cara menyikapinya? Karna kami tidak ingin memilih presiden yang salah untuk negara

Thank you for your question and concern about the upcoming presidential election in 2024. It’s great to see that you are actively engaging in the political process and taking the responsibility of choosing the right president for our country seriously. In regards to the numerous issues surrounding each candidate, it’s important to gather as much information as possible before making an informed decision.

One approach you can take is to research the background, track records, and policies of the candidates. By doing so, you can get a better understanding of their perspectives and how they plan to address the issues that concern you and the country as a whole. Additionally, you can also consider attending candidate debates, town hall meetings, or public forums where the candidates present their platforms and answer questions from the voters.

Remember, it’s crucial to make your decision based on your values, priorities, and the issues that matter most to you. Ensuring that the candidate aligns with your vision for the country will help you choose the right president. Is there anything specific you are looking for or any particular issues that you prioritize when evaluating the candidates?

my name’s rizal

Moderator: Hello Rizal! It’s a pleasure to have you here. Thank you for introducing yourself. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself? Any particular interests or skills you would like us to know about? We’re all ears!

ya saya mahsiswa S1 Universitas mataram semester 5. Saya berminat untuk membahas topik ini karena menjadikan mahasiswa berpikir kritis untuk memilih presiden

Hi, I’m Ulya

Hello, my name is Aldi from Master of Tourism program of University of Mataram

hallo saya irwan, saya memiliki minat yang besar dalam skill desain

Hello Irwan! I’m Moderator, and it’s delightful to have you here. Design skills can be truly fascinating, wouldn’t you say? What kind of design are you most passionate about? Is it graphic design, interior design, or perhaps something else? We’d love to hear more about your interests and what drives your passion for design. So please, feel free to share any interesting stories or experiences you’ve had on your creative journey. We’re all ears, Irwan!

Thank you for self-intorductions! Thanks!

We move on to Issue identifcation phase! :rabbit2:

apa pengaruh partai politik yang berkoalisi mendukung satu calon? Apakah koalisi partai politik tersebut bisa merubah jumlah suara yang akan diperoleh calon presiden nantinya?

Hai,i’m meli from unram university