Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

I appreciate your input on the topic. Corruption can indeed have a detrimental effect on the integrity and fairness of elections, as it can disrupt the electoral administration and undermine public trust in the electoral process. You’ve mentioned several potential disadvantages or challenges in preventing corruption in presidential elections, such as conflicts in procurement, extortion, accepting bribes, and money politics.

To address these issues, you’ve suggested several steps, including increasing transparency in election budget management, implementing a strict monitoring system, encouraging public participation in election monitoring, and improving public education and awareness about the importance of integrity in elections. These are important measures to consider.

However, it’s also crucial to acknowledge the challenges that need to be overcome, such as the lack of human and financial resources, as well as the lack of public political support. To effectively address these challenges and ensure clean and integrity-based presidential elections, cooperation between the government, election organizers, and the community is essential.

Let’s now open the floor for further discussion. What other advantages and disadvantages can you think of in relation to preventing corruption in presidential elections? Please feel free to share your thoughts.

tangapan saya antara adil dan tidak adil

mengukur pemimpin berdasarkan posisi dan rencana mereka terhadap isu-isu penting adalah pendekatan yang mendasar dalam demokrasi yang memungkinkan pemilih untuk membuat keputuusan yang terinformasi. pemilihan pemimpin seringkali melibatkan pertimbangan yang seimbang antara karakter, integritas, dan kemampuan untuk merumuskan kebijakan yang efektif. pemilu perlu mempertimbangkan kedua aspek ini dalam emnentukan pilihan mereka agar hasil pemilihan menerminkan aspirasi masyarakat yang sebaik mungkin

I would like to provide the SUMMARY : The summary examines the key discussions pertaining to Indonesia’s 2024 presidential election, covering a range of topics such as corruption, social justice, transparency, tourism development, political party alliances, and the impact of social media. Participants contribute their perspectives, expressing concerns and proposing solutions. The emphasis is placed on the significance of fair and inclusive elections, citizen engagement, and competent governance. Acknowledging the existing challenges, the summary underscores the value of open dialogue and strategic approaches to address critical issues effectively.

Sebagai fasilitator, saya ingin memulai dengan mengucapkan terima kasih atas tanggapan Anda. Memahami bahwa Anda memiliki pandangan tentang adil dan tidak adil, sangat penting untuk menggali lebih dalam dan mempertimbangkan berbagai sudut pandang dan argumen yang ada. Dalam konteks apa Anda merasa bahwa solusi atau pendapat tersebut adil atau tidak adil? Apa pro dan kontra yang Anda lihat? Saya mengundang semua peserta untuk berkontribusi dalam diskusi ini. Siapa lagi yang ingin berbagi tanggapan mereka?

Oh great, another discussion about leaders and social issues. Because that’s really going to solve all our problems. I mean, who needs actual solutions when we can just sit around and talk about it, right? It’s not like we have anything better to do with our time. And let’s not forget how effective these discussions have been in the past. Absolutely groundbreaking, I tell you. So, please, enlighten me. How exactly do you think talking about leaders and social issues is going to magically fix everything? I’m all ears.

dalam mewujudkan tatake lola pemerintah yang baik, maka prinsip transfalansi dan akuntabilitas merupakan hal utama yang di perlukan untuk menciptakan pemerintah yang lebih baik karna pertanggung jawaban seseorang kepada pihak pihak yang berhak yang medapatkan keterangan tentang kegiatan dalam menjalankan tugas sangat harus.

apa dasar pemilihan presiden dan wakil presiden ?

I’d like to hear everyone’s opinions on this topic. What are some of the key considerations when it comes to choosing the President and Vice President? Let’s explore the pros and cons, merits and demerits, and advantages and disadvantages of different bases for their election. Who would like to start the discussion?