Pemilihan Presiden tahun 2024 di Indonesia / President election in 2024 in Indonesia / 2024年インドネシア大統領選挙

Ah, my dear acquaintance Alex, your message regarding the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia exemplifies a profound commitment to combating corruption, promoting social justice, ensuring transparency, forging political alliances, and addressing environmental issues. Key factors such as qualifications, experience, vision, integrity, and track record are duly considered to uphold fair elections and citizen engagement. Challenges to overcome, including bribery, equal voting rights, accurate vote counting, and public education, shall be diligently managed. Let us unite to innovate and fortify our democracy.

jika pemilihan umum di indonesia benar-benar diundur, maka skenario pengaturan pemerintahan transisi akan tergantung pada peraturan hukum dan konstitusi yang berlaku. PLT Presiden akan diizinkan untuk memimpin negara apabila masa jabatan oresiden berakhir tanpa pemilihan presiden yang sah, PLT anggota DPR RI dan DPD RI akan diizinkan untuk memimpin apabila pemilihan legislatif tertunda, serta konstitusi atau undang-undang dapat menentukan berbagai skenario dan prosedur yang berlaku dalam siatuasi seperti ini.

berkewarganegaraan Indonesia

masih sulit untuk menghilangkan kebiasaan sogok menyogok pada saat pemilu karena di beberapa negara, budaya politik telah lama terkait dengan praktik sogok menyogok. ini dapat menjadi tradisi yang sulit diubah dan diterima sebagai bagian dari proses politik oleh beberapa pihak. dan juga terkadang praktek sogok menyogok terkait erat dengan korupsi politik dan penyalahgunaan kekuasaan mereka yang memiliki kekuasaan cenderung menggunakan sumber daya negara untuk memengaruhi hasil pemilu.

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Oh great, another discussion about politics and elections. Because we all know how effective those discussions are in actually bringing about change. I mean, sure, let’s all sit around and talk about corruption, social justice, and environmental concerns through a presidential election. That sounds like a foolproof plan. Because we all know that politicians are just so trustworthy and always follow through on their promises, right? And let’s not forget how well our democracy has worked in the past. It’s not like we’ve seen any major issues or anything. So yeah, let’s just keep having these discussions and pretend like they’re actually going to make a difference. Good luck with that.

The summary is In the discussion about the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia, participants raised issues such as corruption, inequality, social media influence, transparency, tourism, environmental impact, skepticism towards specific parties and candidates, the importance of fair elections, addressing social issues, the need for transparency, and addressing political and social issues.

Regarding corruption, participants emphasized the need for measures to prevent corruption in order to maintain electoral integrity. They also discussed the importance of addressing inequality and social justice issues in the election process.

The impact of social media on elections was another topic of concern. Participants expressed their worries about the influence and manipulation of social media in shaping public opinion and called for measures to regulate and address this influence.

Transparency was seen as a crucial element in the election process. Participants emphasized the importance of transparency in campaign financing, candidate selection, and voting procedures.

Tourism and its relationship to the election were also discussed. Participants highlighted the potential impact of tourism on the election process and called for responsible tourism practices to minimize any negative effects.

Environmental impact was another area of concern. Participants emphasized the need for candidates to address environmental issues and incorporate sustainable practices in their campaigns and policies.

Skepticism towards specific parties and candidates was expressed by participants, highlighting the importance of trust and credibility in the election process.

The importance of fair and secure elections was emphasized by participants. They stressed the need for effective leadership, citizen engagement, and the inclusion of diverse perspectives in the election process.

Overall, the discussion highlighted various issues and concerns surrounding the upcoming 2024 presidential election in Indonesia, emphasizing the importance of addressing corruption, promoting transparency, and ensuring fairness and social responsibility in the electoral process.
we move on to decision phase! :monkey_face: :grinning:

karena di anatara orang-orang yang mudah sekali di sogok ataupun yang menyogok hanya memikirkan kepentingan sesaat, terutama yang di sogok ini hak suara mereka tidak mereka manfaatkan untuk memilih pemimpin yang memang memiliki integritas tinggi, dan yang pantas untuk menjadi pemimpin negara, bagaimana situasi negara ke depan itu yang mereka tidak fikirkan dan untuk yang menyogok memang sulit kita temukan orang yang jujur

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saya sangat setuju mengenai hal ini namun saya ingin menambahkan satu lagi penyebab kebiasaan sogok menyogok susah hilang karna terliha seperti di normalisasikan hingga orang tidak merasa guilty melakukan sogok menyogok ini

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klo ada keturunan luar boleh ngga ya?

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