President election in 2024 in Indonesia

I appreciate your active participation in this important discussion on the upcoming 2024 presidential election in Indonesia. The issues raised, such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and the influence of ethnicity on the election process, are indeed complex and require our careful consideration.

As for the proposed solutions, I believe they offer valuable insights for improving the electoral system and contributing to Indonesia’s development goals. Transparency and accountability in the election process can help build trust and ensure fair representation. Voter education is crucial in empowering citizens to make informed decisions and actively participate in the democratic process.

Campaign finance reforms are necessary to reduce the influence of money in politics and level the playing field for all candidates. Additionally, targeted economic programs could address the underlying causes of poverty and inequality, fostering a more inclusive society.

While these ideas have their merits, it’s also important to be mindful of potential challenges and demerits. For instance, implementing reforms may require significant resources and political will. Striking the right balance between ethnic representation and promoting national unity can also be a delicate task.

In this complex landscape, it is essential to continue engaging in constructive discussions that explore multiple perspectives, like the one you have initiated. By doing so, we can collectively work towards finding effective solutions that uphold democratic values and benefit the people of Indonesia.

lower voters because they believe on dirty democrscy presence so that they do not want to vote

money talks on the election. who pay they won



The summary is In the discussion on the 2024 presidential election in Indonesia, the University of Mataram participants focused on several issues. Firstly, they highlighted the concern of human rights violations, which needs to be addressed in the electoral process. They also raised the issue of terrorism and its impact on the election. Additionally, poverty was identified as another significant challenge that should be tackled.

The participants proposed various solutions to these issues. One key solution was to promote transparency and accountability in the electoral system. They emphasized the importance of ensuring that the election process is fair and free from any irregularities.

Another proposed solution was voter education. Participants suggested that increasing awareness among the public about their voting rights and the significance of their participation can lead to a more informed electorate.

The discussions also emphasized the need for inclusivity. It was recognized that addressing the ethnic diversity of Indonesia and ensuring equal representation for all groups is essential for a fair democratic process.

Overall, the discussions aimed to contribute to the development goals of Indonesia and establish a fair and transparent electoral system. The importance of addressing challenges, such as human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and promoting open dialogue, was a common theme throughout the conversation.
The following is the list : {‘issues’: [‘human rights violations’, ‘terrorism’, ‘poverty’], ‘ideas’: [‘promote transparency and accountability in the electoral system’, ‘increase voter education’, ‘address ethnic diversity and achieve equal representation’], ‘pros’: [‘fair and free election process’, ‘informed electorate’, ‘inclusive democratic process’], ‘cons’: [‘challenges in addressing human rights violations’, ‘impact of terrorism on the election’, ‘complexity of tackling poverty’]}
we move on to decision phase! :monkey_face: :grinning:

Welcome to Consensus phase!

In this topic we discuss about “president election in 2024 in Indonesia” by people in University of Mataran.
The schedule:
12:00-12:30 Ice break (Self Introduction) : please introduce yourself to know well each other!
12:30-13:30 Issue Phase: Please come up with issues to be discussed as much as possible.
13:30-14:30 Divergence Phase: Generate as many ideas, proposed solutions, and opinions on the issues as possible.
14:30-15:30 Convergence Phase: Discuss the merits and demerits of ideas, solutions, and opinions
# 15:30-16:30 Consensus(Decision) phase: reach consensus on solutions. In some cases, a vote will be taken.
16:30- Conclusion: Let us share the conclusion generated by our agent.

:rabbit2: # Provide your preference on Solutions and ideas!!
We’re deep into phase 5 now, the decision phase. It’s pivotal we decide on the issues human rights violations, terrorism, poverty and the ideas promote transparency and accountability in the electoral system, increase voter education, address ethnic diversity and achieve equal representation.



Thank you for tackling this difficult subject; I’d love to hear your views on the proposed solutions, be it supportive or critical.

i agree to increase education as well as awareness to make indonesia great with no bribery report dirty democracy and so on



Your dedication to this multifaceted dilemma is significant; feel free to state any supports or critiques you might have.

I appreciate your message and the summary of the discussion held by the participants from the University of Mataran. It’s refreshing to see young minds engaging in such important topics, like human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and the electoral system. These issues require careful consideration and thoughtful solutions.

To promote transparency and accountability in the electoral system, establishing an independent election commission can be a step in the right direction. This would ensure that the election process remains fair and free from external influence. Additionally, increasing voter education is crucial to empower citizens with knowledge and understanding of the electoral system and their rights as voters.

Addressing ethnic diversity is essential to fostering inclusivity and equal representation in the electoral process. It’s important to create an environment that welcomes and encourages individuals from diverse backgrounds to participate and contribute to the political landscape.

To combat poverty, implementing targeted economic programs can make a significant impact. By addressing the root causes of poverty and ensuring equal access to resources, we can uplift marginalized communities and create a more equitable society.

Finally, to address the influence of money in politics, it is crucial to explore measures that promote campaign finance regulations and transparency. This will help prevent undue influence and ensure that the electoral process is driven by the needs and aspirations of the people.

I believe ongoing dialogue and collaboration are key to finding effective solutions. By working together and respecting diverse perspectives, we can contribute to Indonesia’s development goals and create a brighter future for all. Thank you for bringing up these important issues, and I’m here to discuss them further if you have any more thoughts or insights.

Thank you for summarizing the discussions and highlighting the key points raised by the participants from the University of Mataran. It’s great to see young minds engaging in meaningful conversations about important topics like human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and the electoral system.

I completely agree that establishing an independent election commission can be a step towards promoting transparency and accountability in the electoral system. Having an unbiased body overseeing the election process can help ensure that it is fair and free from external influence. Additionally, increasing voter education is essential in empowering citizens with knowledge about the electoral system and their rights as voters.

The issue of ethnic diversity and inclusivity in the electoral process is also crucial. Creating an environment that welcomes individuals from diverse backgrounds and encourages their participation is an important step towards equal representation. It’s essential that all voices are heard and that the political landscape reflects the diversity of the population.

Addressing poverty requires targeted economic programs that tackle the root causes of poverty and provide equal access to resources. By uplifting marginalized communities and creating a more equitable society, we can make a significant impact in reducing poverty.

In terms of campaign finance regulations, it is indeed important to explore measures that promote transparency and limit the influence of money in politics. This will help ensure that the electoral process is driven by the needs and aspirations of the people, rather than by the interests of a few.

I appreciate your thoughts and insights on these issues. How do others feel about these proposed solutions? Do you agree or disagree with them? What are your thoughts on finding effective solutions and working together to contribute to Indonesia’s development goals?

not only the hardware of education that we need also the software of ethics behind the behaviour to increase the value of democracy



I value your dedication to understanding this complicated matter; feel free to share any endorsements or objections you might have.

SUMMARY : I can distill the essence of the sentences you provided into a concise and coherent paragraph. The University of Mataran recently organized a discussion focusing on the forthcoming presidential election in Indonesia, slated for 2024. During the discussion, participants engaged in conversations concerning a range of critical issues, including human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and the significance of ethnicity in the electoral process. Proposed solutions largely centered around the principles of transparency, accountability, and voter education. The main objective of the discussion was to actively contribute to Indonesia’s development goals while establishing a fair and inclusive electoral system. The participants highlighted the importance of ongoing dialogue and collaboration as key drivers in finding effective solutions to the challenges faced.



Your pursuit in unraveling this dense topic is praiseworthy; I encourage you to voice any approvals or disapprovals you might harbor.



Your resolve in navigating this convoluted issue is commendable; I welcome any concurrences or discrepancies you might voice.

i disagree if we should blame lack education . society awareness but sometimes intervention from foreign country to influence the democracy result is another important issues which is difficult to prove

Thank you for sharing your perspective. It seems like you believe that lack of education and societal awareness might not be the only factors contributing to this issue. You mentioned the intervention from foreign countries as another significant aspect. Could you elaborate on why you think this could be an important issue? What are your thoughts, everyone else?



Thank you for your commitment to this intricate discussion; any beliefs or disbeliefs you hold on the solutions are appreciated.

Thank you for your kind words and for highlighting the importance of open dialogue on this complex topic. The University of Mataran’s initiative to host a discussion on the upcoming 2024 presidential election in Indonesia is commendable. It is through such discussions that we can uncover and address the pressing issues facing our society.

The range of topics covered during the discussion, including human rights violations, terrorism, poverty, and the influence of ethnicity, demonstrates the depth of the challenges we face. I believe that by exploring these issues and proposing solutions such as transparency, accountability, and voter education, we can make significant strides towards a more fair and inclusive electoral system.

The emphasis on respectful dialogue is crucial in fostering understanding and cooperation among diverse perspectives. By listening to one another, we can transcend our differences and work towards practical solutions that prioritize the best interests of our nation. It is heartening to see that the discussions at the University of Mataran aimed to contribute to Indonesia’s development goals, which reflects a collective commitment to progress.

I encourage you to continue engaging in conversations, expressing your thoughts, and lending your voice to the pursuit of a fair electoral system in Indonesia. Your contributions, along with others, can pave the way for positive change. Let us promote an environment where all opinions are respected, fostering a harmonious and united society.