TEST: Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

Kindly write one or two posts on how to ensure access to education for all people in Afghanistan.

1 Suka

Online education is a good alternative for in person education.

But lack of internet make online education challenging.

For sure, education is a vital necessity for all people (male & female), and it is like a spine for each community, by it we can ensure our life and future and without it all people and countries will be in darkness and disaster. In my idea we can ensure the accessing of Afghan people to education in different ways. 1- The Afghan’s government should accept that education is the rights of all Afghan people (man and women) without any discrimination, and should realize the important of education. 2- One of the important responsibilities of a government is providing and supporting the educational and academic institutions (school, university and…). 3- Turning education into culture among all Afghan people play very key role. 4- Providing literacy classes throughout the country in Afghanistan 5-Supporting the teacher training tools and manual to ensure quality of teaching and learning for all education partners in Afghanistan.6. Providing scholarships for people especially youths. 7- providing education facilities especially some online programs.

Hello to all hope you all doing well
Education is the basic and most essential right for every one but in Afghanistan as you know it face with some limetations. Most girl have no internet to study online somebody access to itenet but they cant buy some internet cause its so expensive and weak. There is a very small group that acsess to wifi or some other internet service. Its so difficult to ensure all have acses to education cause now most of educationla center is band except midwife and nursing Institute, but they give high fee acording to the governoment rule. For ensure to all have access education we should do some need assessment.

Your idea is perfect. But know education turned in hard steps and big problems. The governoment limits the education rather than expand it.

Women can improve when they could access to education, school, university, and education centers. Must be open and they could access and join the education centers.

Students can learn at their own pace, allowing them to balance education with work, family, and other responsibilities.

Often, online programs are more affordable than traditional in-person classes. Savings come from reduced transportation, accommodation, and material costs.

Invest in building and renovating schools, especially in rural areas, to ensure all children have access to education.

I believe in providing training, fair salaries, and support to improve teaching quality and retain educators.