TEST: Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1G

Kindly write one or two posts on how to ensure access to education for all people in Afghanistan.

In my opinion To ensure access education for all people in Afghanistan should be create schools in those area that has Lack of schools.

With Tackling Economic Barriers Promoting Gender Equality in Education and Improving the Quality of Education we can solve this big problem

Thats a good point

Investment in infrastructure
Build and renovate school, specially in rural and remote areas, provide necessary resources such as books technology and learning materials

In my opinion, the basis of education should be rooted in the family of each Afghan and education should be understood by each of the elders in the family.

To ensure access to education for all in Afghanistan, security and educational infrastructure must be strengthened.

I agree with your opinion

Nice point👏

Building schools in remote areas of the country and promoting education in villages because many people in remote areas do not have access to education.