Day 1: Pre-Lecture Interactive Session_Team A2

this is Zabihullah from kabul

Hope we had a great decision here and know about each other more.

fine thanks dear how about you

From which faculty do you graduate and do you have a job or not ?

hi M.s Ahmadi how are you

İ asked which uni and city did you graduate?
İf it does not discomfort you !

Thanks dear
How do you feel about today weather

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cold bro

İ like playing chees we had a great competitions in afghan turk schools every semester
Also football , volleyball, ping pong , basketball i am good in these too😊

Do you have a job?

Excuse me, friends, where is the lesson??

O wonderful !
I think being with friends in school is one of the best memory of everyone also playing so nice

I am a good swimmer but I am slow at swimming who like swimming here?

I haven’t read anything yet

I am very good at swimming too i can swim at pool , river , etc :wink:

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Unfortunately, i don’t know swimming but i think it is a vital skill

I like swimming too but in the pool, I can’t and good to play in the river.

Absolutely you are right i miss alot those days that we was at dormitory at mazar sharif about five years, so great memories !!

have ever been to Band-e-Ameer at Bamiyan, I swimmed there.

My hubby to spend more time in learning something new skills and new things.