Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1A

Right now, we are implementing a project that has been supported by UNWOMEN organization thus, they take action for women cooperation for development.

World is just watched and says to Taliban, you should open the door of schools for girls but in action they did nothing.

Is the project cover girls education issues?

And is the project applicable for all girls of Afghanistan

we never can cover all girls ever.

We have 40 community service points which include 12 girls for learning vocational skills and literacy.

Do think it is not an action for women empowerment?

If we want to cover all girls around our country, we have to have an online platform to let them access all the time they want.

Only 12 girls
What about other girls

Online platform should cover girls schooling programs

I have mentioned in above how to cover all girls.

Somehow it is, but its only for 12 girls

12 girls in 40 centers

If we train one girl, in fact we have trained one family, then if 12 family become literate in a society then think about growing of that society.

Yeah it should be in their priority that we have to involve our school system book for the books are prepared in the educational level of our people.
That is a great idea

That’s very great!!!
How would you teach them by online platform or by preparing them physical classes

Yeah that is the benefit we would achieve but in long span of time

It is in person.

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Honestly, the foreign countries don’t want to help or the just mimic the word help. If they are really interested in helping they could took alot of action.
