Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Several key issues and factors have supported the Taliban’s decision to restrict girls’ education in Afghanistan:

They believe that women’s primary responsibilities should be confined to the home, which influences their stance on education for girls.

For reopening door of schools and univercities we should take assist from social media Raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education through media

online can also be very useful
If someone relly aims to learn.

Afghanistan is an Islamic country, when the Taliban took over the government, they changed some rules, which one of them was closing schools and universities for women in Afghanistan, if you ask them why they did this they would say it’s to Keep woman safe from environment.

But according to Islam, learning knowledge is an obligation for both men and woman it’s not that to protect woman from the environment you should keep them at home, or they are meant to be at home.

Yeah, it’s right nowadays almost everybody have access to Internet and use smartphones. There are a lot of online education platforms where we could study and learn in each field.

To overcome current challenge for women to continue their education, I believe that is to study in online education platforms, which are free or there are websites who anyone could learn something, but there’s an issue which we face, there are some parts of the country with people don’t have access to Internet or smart phones, And they cannot afford providing one.

To overcome the problem of those who does not have access to Internet or smart phones, I think there could be humanitarian aids, which could provide Internet or smart phones for those in need, in order to continue their education through online platforms.

I have no idea why the Taliban at the beginning of their government they set some rules for girls in universities or schools. They separated classes and even set male and female teachers individually for students but after a few times, they changed their decision and completely banned schools or universities for woman.

There are online classes for everyone even on tv there are many programs and classes everyone is trying.

Develop and distribute online educational resources and programs that girls can access from home.

Use radio and television to broadcast educational content, reaching girls who cannot attend school in person.

Reopening schools in Afghanistan, especially for girls, requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders that i shared with all .

Yeah, it’s completely a good way to continue studying, everyone have to find a way or use an opportunity to learn something new.

Yeah completely it’s a good idea because there are people who don’t have access to Internet or smart phones they could use from TV instead.

There are platforms study groups and teachers on virtual pages and everyone in the online teaching department helps everyone henefit

Also there must be aliterate person in a family that person can help the rest of her family to learn business and lessons.

It’s a good idea, but I think that not everyone have the same interest in a field, there should be a comprehensive solution to overcome this challenge, which we provided earlier.