Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1C

Nearly three years have passed since the Taliban closed the doors of schools to girls from the sixth grade onwards in Afghanistan. In light of this ongoing crisis, we will discuss the following from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM today.

Description and the time schedule:

1:30 PM -4:00 PM Summary Phase: Please work collaboratively as a team to summarize the top 5 key problems and their best ideas and solutions generated over the past two days. For each question, list the top 5 main issues and then the top 5 solutions:

  1. How do you think online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls to gain access to education in Afghanistan?
  2. What key issues do girls in Afghanistan face in accessing the internet and online educational tools?
  3. What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help girls access the internet and online education in Afghanistan?

Greetings and respect to you: The reasons why the Taliban closed the girls’ school are only hijab and Islamic conditions, which were red lines for Islamic citizens, and the Taliban also pushed for this issue, but unfortunately they did not take any action to solve this issue, and my second suggestion is : It should be taught online so that he can travel abroad and provide his necessary education, which is necessary for evening programs and is important to pass.

Education is the right of every human being but in afghanistan this right is taken away from girls without any special reason.

I think girls should study online with the little money they have
Instead of being busy with social media and videos spend the same time studing.
And never give up.

The Taliban closed schools for women in Afghanistan, because of their strict religious beliefs about women. They think women should stay at home and take care of family, They also say it’s to protect a woman which is not right.

If the Taliban, keep women uneducated, there might be challenges which people could face which have bad consequences for all of us.

One of the Taliban’s religious belief is that woman are meant to stay at home and take care of the family.
They are justifying themselves by saying that this is according to Islam and Shariah, but we all know it’s not true.

Which ways are more recommended to remove the educational limitations of women. Is distance learning or online effective?

I don’t know why the taliban close the door aginst of girl as we know we have a islamic country and all women consider hijab and educated according islamic conditions.

Well, I believe that online education platforms are a good solution which woman could continue their education in different fields, but the problem is that not all women have access to Internet.

Engage international organizations and governments to pressure for the reopening of girls’ schools and provide humanitarian aid to support education initiatives.
Develop online learning platforms and distribute educational materials that can be accessed remotely. This can help girls continue their education from home

Yeah, I believe that it could help a lot of women and girls to continue their education, but there are some part of the country which they don’t have access to Internet or smart phones, or even laptops but if humanitarian aids could provide them Internet, mobile phone or laptops, they could help him a lot, and that they could continue their education remotely through online platforms.

They should open schools and universities for girls and let them study and give them conditions like the year when the taliban came the universities were open and all female students were told to wear black and the students agreed but they still closed the universities.

Ensuring that teachers are trained and supported to provide quality education in challenging conditions.
That is the other solution.

Currently many girls in afghanistan are studing online just like we were studing online for a while during the corona virus
And it will be useful inthe hope of their success.

Provide financial and logistical support to families to encourage them to send their daughters to school, including scholarships, transportation, and school supplies.

Several key issues and factors have supported the Taliban’s decision to restrict girls’ education in Afghanistan:

They believe that women’s primary responsibilities should be confined to the home, which influences their stance on education for girls.

For reopening door of schools and univercities we should take assist from social media Raise awareness about the importance of girls’ education through media

Studying online can also be very useful
If someone relly aims to learn.

If the Taliban, keep women uneducated, there might be challenges which people could face which have bad consequences for all of us