Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1D

Using the experiences of countries that are culturally more similar to Afghanistan. In this context, Malaysia can be a living and good example, as the country of Malaysia started its distance education programs in 1971, but despite the economic challenges of the 1990s, it continued its course in distance learning. . Now, a large number of universities in this country, along with face-to-face education; It provides distance learning services for domestic and foreign students.

Efforts to create infrastructures for electronic education, including electricity, internet lines, and essential materials such as computers, etc. The technological infrastructure in our country is not favorable for internet services, and internet networks charge exorbitant fees from customers, but on the contrary, they provide low-speed and low-quality internet. These infrastructures need to be built with high quality for the development of distance education.

Also I can say, Coordination and cooperation of telecommunications and technology companies can be useful for the solving of this issue.

laying the groundwork for the start of the activities of representatives of educational institutions and prestigious universities in the region and the world inside the country; so that fellow citizens can use their educational and educational services through distance education.

Another solution is that, action to establish at least one virtual school and one virtual university in the country’s capital within the next five years; For speeding up the distance learning process and gaining practical experience in this part.

In my idea, Strengthening scientific and research institutions that distance education is one of their priorities, can be another solution.

Inshallah, our idea and solution during 3 days, will be useful and have good results for the mentioned issues.