Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1E

To support Afghan girls’ education, we can provide online learning resources, create safe learning spaces, seek international aid, encourage community support, and offer mentorship.

What is your response for those different questions and what can you suggest for them?

Only wanting something will never solve any problem they should take action. maybe I want to do lots of things but if I am not taking action I will not achieve anything.

This is a vey insight pint of view; but I was wondering how we can provide online education on provinces and districts, because not every where the technology solution works.

I think online technology is a good idea for girls to learn but as I mentioned before that some girls don’t have access to mobile otherwise online classes are very good idea.:+1:

Online education is a very good way of educating women in Afghanistan who is living under internet coverage area and most probably regarding financial status; families with high and middle class economic status will be able to attend it.
but it is cons is that it is not accessible for everyone; because of internet signals issue, because of its costs, because of the devices ( smartphones, tablets or computers) it need. not every families priority is educating their female fellows but lots of families priority is feeding their girls.

You can start from your own family for example: sisters, cousins and other family members you can help them in learning languages or other subjects and then if you are interested to help others you can create some online classes for them.

I believe, girls are already motivated for learning as always, but the main problem is they can’t do anything.

Yes, unfortunately.

Yes for now it is only way we can help each other to overcome the issue.

Yes but if a group of us become together we can create a center for women to learn.

Now as I see going to school became a dream for girls , they’re really hopeless and really worrying about thier future that what will happen to them, maybe one day the doors of schools get opened but if they don’t be interested to learning then it has no benefit.:smiling_face_with_tear:

For example when Taliban came to Afghanistan, I was studying nursing then our institute got closed but after three months that it was opened I was really afraid of situation and security and I wasn’t as much interested as I was in the past.

Exactly they have a feel of fear and they’re not as motivated as they was of course some of them

Education can be a powerful tool for change. By focusing on basic skills like reading, writing, and critical thinking, we can empower individuals to improve their lives and communities.

Yes by the way the cost of the internet are so expensive not everyone can affird that

Small daily habits can make a big difference. For example, setting aside a few minutes each day to read or learn something new can gradually expand knowledge and skills.

Yeah, unfortunately you’re right.

This approach covers key areas necessary for supporting Afghan girls’ education. Providing online resources ensures access to learning materials, while creating safe spaces addresses security concerns. Seeking international aid brings additional resources and support, encouraging community involvement fosters a supportive environment, and offering mentorship provides guidance and inspiration. Together, these actions can significantly enhance educational opportunities and help overcome challenges.

This strategy is well-rounded and effective. Online learning resources expand educational access, while safe spaces ensure a secure environment. International aid can provide necessary funding and resources, community support fosters a nurturing environment, and mentorship offers personal guidance and encouragement. Implementing these measures can create a robust support system for Afghan girls’ education.