Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

This method can also be effective to some extent

It’s possible

I think the Taliban will not allow this

Yeah you are right

It is important to start a process. If the government wants to start this process, it will treat its people

But we don’t want this Taliban process to continue, we will fight until our last breath and it will succeed.

But one thing is very important if we understand that the Taliban wants to open schools, but in another way, like Islamic schools are open for all girls in some places, I think that maybe they can do something for girls’ universities as well.

Yes we do

In my opinion, it would be better if the government started teaching women online
The professors who are scheduled to take the online course and take the same type of exam should send the results to the relevant ministries
And give them a degree according to the attendance procedure
Because this process is less challenging, on the one hand, the teacher’s fee is removed, on the other hand, this process is legal

Our hope is that a day will come when all the universities and schools will be opened for our sisters and everyone will continue their studies and will not be forced to migrate abroad.

I do not think that the Taliban will agree to this plan

Online technology can be a powerful tool to bridge the gap in education access for Afghan girls, offering a lifeline in a challenging environment.

If the Taliban does not know about online education, it will be a problem because all ministries are in their hands, how to prepare documents for girls so that these documents can be a source for girls to work one day.

Online platforms can offer personalized learning paths, catering to individual learning styles and pace.

Solutions and Strategies
• Teacher Training: Train teachers in online teaching methodologies and provide them with the necessary resources and support.

• Mobile Learning: Utilize mobile learning platforms that can be accessed on smartphones and tablets, expanding access to those with limited internet connectivity.

Encourage government policies that promote online learning, including infrastructure development and investment in digital literacy initiatives.

Yes of course

Without the permission of the government, this process is useless


So, the communities of Nations, women’s rights defenders should negotiate with the representatives of the Taliban so that the Taliban will open the doors of the schools again