Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B1J

Students’ language proficiency can affect their performance on assessments and their ability to understand feedback, leading to potential gaps in learning.

Yes of course

Online education offers a safe and accessible alternative for Afghan girls, providing them with a wider range of educational opportunities, fostering their independence, and ensuring continuity of learning amidst challenging circumstances.

In this situation online education is the good option

Yes, it is important to start their law course, whether online or face-to-face

Yes I am agree

In this situation, online education is a suitable option, provided that this education is legal. Otherwise, only the student’s money is wasted

If the government wants, it can teach through professors who used to teach students in schools and universities, then language problems and other issues will be solved.

If the government wants, it can even open the doors of schools and universities, but the problem is that the government does not want women to study.

I don’t think he is against educating women online
And if the government is against it. So, informal education will be without any benefits and achievements