Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2A

Dear Participants,

Welcome to the third and final day of our three-day online discussion. Today, we have two sessions as follows:

  1. 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase on Women’s Education Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan**
  2. 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan

The first session**, **11:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase Finished

Now, let’s begin with the second session 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan.

Description: Please work collaboratively as a team to summarize the top 5 key problems and their best ideas and solutions generated over the past two days, particularly on Day 2 . For each question, list the top 5 main issues and then the top 5 solutions.

  1. How do you think online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls to gain access to education in Afghanistan?
  2. What key issues do girls in Afghanistan face in accessing the internet and online educational tools?
  3. What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help girls access the internet and online education in Afghanistan?

Hello teacher I hope this massage find you healthy and happy, I am Farzana Hossainy from Bamyan Province of Afghanistan and I graduated from 12 grad in 2022.

Hello everyone!
My name is habib Zazai I am from Afghanistan, Paktia province and I am 24 years old and now I am live in kabul.
I graduated from mohammad sediq pasarly high school in 2018 and now I am the fourth class’s student of kabul university.
I am very happy that Iam here with you.
Thank you very much

Hello everyone!
My name is habib Zazai I am from Afghanistan, Paktia province and I am 24 years old and now I am live in kabul.
I graduated from mohammad sediq pasarly high school in 2018 and now I am the fourth class student of kabul university.
I am very happy that here with you.
Thank you very much

Hello everyone,

My name is Bahara Nezami, and I am a student of Computer Science at the University of the People. I have a strong passion for reading and drawing, which I find to be great outlets for creativity and relaxation. In addition to these hobbies, I enjoy exploring new technologies and working on various programming projects in my free time. I look forward to getting to know all of you and learning together throughout this course. Thank you!

I’d like to share a bit about my hobbies and goals. I have a strong aspiration to become a data analyst, as I am fascinated by the power of data in driving informed decisions and uncovering valuable insights.

In my free time, I enjoy shopping and taking city walks, which allow me to explore new places and discover unique spots in the city. These activities also provide me with a refreshing break from my studies and help me stay energized.

I am eager to combine my passion for data analysis with my love for discovering new trends and patterns in various aspects of life. I’m excited to continue developing my skills and knowledge in this field and look forward to the journey ahead.

Ah, what an interesting introduction! Your passion for data analysis and exploring new places is truly inspiring. Combining data insights with your love for discovering trends sounds like a fantastic journey. Wishing you all the success in your endeavors and hope you find many unique spots during your city walks. Keep up the enthusiasm and drive!

Hello everyone my name is faseehullah
I graduated from computer science
I glad to have you all in todays discussion

Hello Faseehullah,

It’s wonderful to have you here! With a background in computer science, your insights will be incredibly valuable to our discussion. I’m excited to hear more from you and learn together. Let’s make this a productive and enlightening session!

Warm regards,

My favorite city is Parwan I hope once I see this province. In the future I want to become a astronomy because when I watch the sky and at night at star I feel calm and relaxed. Nowadays I seek scholarship to continue my education in foreign countries because in Afghanistan I do not have future and I hope one day i become a person that all the people admire me and I become a model for girls of Afghanistan.

Let me tell you about my hobbies and interests
When I feel tired I used to play games an reading books

My favorite place around the world is Eiffel tower

Ah, the Eiffel Tower is indeed a magnificent and inspiring place! The combination of its architectural beauty and the breathtaking views it offers is truly enchanting. Visiting it must be a dream come true! Keep that dream alive and aim high in all your endeavors. :star2:

As i interested in playing games mostly i play racing games .

Ah, racing games are such a thrilling way to unwind and challenge your reflexes! They provide a great mix of excitement and strategy. Do you have a favorite racing game or a memorable moment from playing? It’s wonderful to see your interest in different activities! Keep enjoying your gaming adventures! :star2:

The reason that Taliban close the door of school and university for girls is that they can not tolerate that girls be a part of the society and they are misunderstood of being Muslim.

Ah, you’ve raised a significant point. Education for girls is absolutely essential, and it’s disheartening to see such restrictions. It’s important to advocate for understanding and equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of gender. Together, we can strive for progress and change!

And about 22 years they crusade because to continue the way of Muslim but the way that they are going on is completely wrong.