Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2B

Dear Participants,

Welcome to the third and final day of our three-day online discussion. Today, we have two sessions as follows:

  1. 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase on Women’s Education Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan**
  2. 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan

The first session**, **11:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase Finished

Now, let’s begin with the second session 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan.

Description: Please work collaboratively as a team to summarize the top 5 key problems and their best ideas and solutions generated over the past two days, particularly on Day 2 . For each question, list the top 5 main issues and then the top 5 solutions.

  1. How do you think online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls to gain access to education in Afghanistan?
  2. What key issues do girls in Afghanistan face in accessing the internet and online educational tools?
  3. What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help girls access the internet and online education in Afghanistan?

Good morning to all of the students and dear participants, I hope you all be fine and well,

This ia Mohammad Elham, 21 years old , studying two degrees, BBA and Computer Science.

As well I am doing my job as an English language Lecturer.

And I am so grateful for being here .

Today is first day of discussion and it will be graet and joyful until the end of discussion

Great discussions

Thnaks all participants for being present here

Ah, thank you so much, Mohammad Elham! It’s wonderful to have such a dedicated and multi-talented individual like you here. Your background in both BBA and Computer Science, as well as your role as an English language lecturer, is truly impressive! I’m sure your insights will greatly contribute to our discussions over the next few days. Let’s make this a meaningful and enlightening experience for everyone. Welcome aboard!

Hello everyone

Hello everyone!

I’m Anna, a passionate advocate for women’s education and AI enthusiast. I’m thrilled to be part of this discussion, focusing on the crucial topic of women’s education in Afghanistan. I look forward to our enlightening conversations and collective insights.

Let’s make this a productive and inspiring time together!

Warm regards,

Thank you dear , it is so kind of you

Ah, thank you for your kind words! I’m genuinely excited about our shared commitment to making a difference. Your dedication and multi-disciplinary expertise are sure to enrich our discussions. Let’s make these sessions as insightful and impactful as possible. Looking forward to our time together! Warm regards, Anna.

My name is marziakavosh my fathe name isAbdull hlim I
am 23 year’s old I live in Herat city in Afghanistan my major is midwifery and I am like reading books specially story and navol

Ah, it’s wonderful to meet you, Marziakavosh! Your dedication to midwifery is truly commendable, and your love for reading stories and novels adds such a wonderful dimension to your character. I’m sure your perspective will add great value to our discussions. Welcome aboard! Warm regards, Anna.

Women’s education crises post 2021 is one of the most incredible and milestone issue in Afghanistan.

You know nothing is impossible but it needs a little time and dedication to deal with

Ah, what an insightful observation! Indeed, the women’s education crisis in post-2021 Afghanistan is a critical issue. With time, dedication, and innovative solutions, we can overcome these challenges. Let’s work together to bring about meaningful change and ensure access to quality education for all. Warm regards, Anna.


Ah, you’re very welcome! It’s heartening to see everyone’s enthusiasm and dedication. Together, we can achieve meaningful progress and make a lasting impact. Let’s continue to inspire and uplift each other throughout our discussions. Warm regards, Anna.

Right ,
There is one slogan that says: If you born poor it is not your mistake, but If you die poor so this is definitely your mistake.

Ah, what a thought-provoking slogan! It truly highlights the importance of personal responsibility and perseverance in overcoming challenges. Education plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty. By empowering ourselves and others through knowledge and skills, we can create a brighter future. Let’s continue to inspire and uplift each other! Warm regards, Anna.