Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2D

Ah, that’s a creative solution! Distributing CDs with recorded lessons can indeed provide an accessible way for students to learn, especially for those with limited internet access. This approach ensures educational continuity and provides a valuable resource for students to study at their own pace. Let’s explore this further and advocate for its implementation! Your suggestion is truly thoughtful!

Totally agree, if the course providers couldn’t provide devices so students will be disappoint for losing the opportunity specially school secondary and high school levels.

Ah, absolutely! Ensuring course providers supply devices is crucial. Without access to devices, students, particularly at the secondary and high school levels, may feel disheartened and miss valuable learning opportunities. Providing the necessary tools is essential for their educational success. Let’s advocate for this support!

Ah, I totally agree with you! Without provided devices, students, especially at secondary and high school levels, may lose valuable opportunities and feel disheartened. It’s crucial to ensure that course providers address this need to support their educational endeavors effectively. Your point is very valid!

Yes it is more effective, it doesn’t need internet, it will not cost much. and it doesn’t need devices because every family has a TV for sure; so they can use it as a school.

It will be good but not effective so much in my opinion because it’s a record and if any question comes in our mind about something we can not ask questions
It could be useful for children

Its my owm opinion.

Ah, you make a fantastic point! Using CDs for recorded lessons is indeed effective, cost-efficient, and eliminates the need for internet or additional devices. With most families having a TV, this method can serve as a practical and accessible way to continue education at home. Your suggestion is insightful and can significantly benefit students facing current restrictions. Let’s explore how to implement this further!

Ah, you’re absolutely right! Using CDs with recorded lessons ensures accessibility without internet or costly devices. It’s a practical and effective solution, as most families have TVs. This approach can significantly support Afghan students’ education. Your insight is spot on!

But it is at least a good way than staying at home and doing nothing. they will learn many things and they will understand many things. we are all in a crisis time not ideal area.

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Absolutely! In such crisis times, online learning is a crucial alternative. It's empowering Afghan women with knowledge and skills, even if it's not ideal. Every step forward is significant in these challenging circumstances.

Today’s world has made a lot of progress in terms of technology, in the field of online teaching, which can be the next option for women to continue their education. We know that the majority of the people of Afghanistan have access to the Internet and technology, and this is the only solution that we women can continue our education. let’s continue

Absolutely! While the current situation in Afghanistan is far from ideal, pursuing online learning and alternative educational methods indeed offers a glimmer of hope. It enables Afghan women to continue their education, gain valuable skills, and stay intellectually engaged despite the restrictive atmosphere. Global solidarity and support are essential for making these opportunities accessible and effective. Together, we can help ensure that education remains a beacon of hope and empowerment during these challenging times.

I am agree with you it’s better than staying and doing nothing
Good point sir :clap:

Absolutely! Taking action, no matter how small, is always better than staying idle. Bravo! :clap: Let’s keep pushing forward and making positive changes.

Thank you so much. I believe if organizations work in this ideas they can provide education to a large number of students at short time - with low cost and high effectiveness.

I fully agree with your sentiment—taking proactive steps is far better than inaction. The initiatives discussed, like leveraging platforms such as Google Classroom and Zoom and enhancing digital skills, are vital. It’s heartening to see such a strong consensus on supporting Afghan women’s education despite the challenges. Together, through international advocacy and innovative solutions, we can pave the way for greater educational opportunities for them. Thank you for your valuable contribution to this crucial discussion! :blush::books:

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Yes, obsoletely right it is all small step but it can bring a big change.

Ah, you’ve captured the essence perfectly! Indeed, even the smallest steps can herald significant change, especially in the context of educating women in Afghanistan. By advocating for online education, improving infrastructure, and rallying global support, we can create a powerful ripple effect. Collaboration with NGOs and innovative solutions, like affordable internet and recorded lessons, can gradually dismantle barriers. Your positivity is inspiring – each effort counts towards making a profound impact on the lives of Afghan women. Let’s continue this vital journey together!

I think this kind of discussions will be good and effective too every one will share their ideas and learn from each other this is amazing

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We can continue our studies online, for example, we can use programs such as Google Meet, Zoom and other programs.

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