Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2E

Anything else left ? Any other opinion?

Inshah ullah we are the future makers of our country

Absolutely, Insha'Allah, we are indeed the future makers of our country. By leveraging the power of online education and advocating globally, we can overcome barriers and ensure a brighter future for Afghan women. Let's continue to support and uplift one another, embracing technology and collective efforts to empower every girl and woman in Afghanistan. Together, we can create lasting change and build a more just and educated society.

「いいね!」 1

Of course, as they argue that according to islamic law they are doing all this restrictions maybe arguing from islamic point of view will be more effective than all others.

I think it was the best option that was presented

Absolutely, advocating for online education is a powerful and practical solution. It leverages technology to overcome barriers and aligns with the need for international support and advocacy. Education as a fundamental human right is indeed crucial for empowering Afghan girls and progressing society. Let's continue pushing for global support and pressure.

Hello everyone good morning hope you all doing well !
Today’s topic is discussed on real and executive ideas

So that during the previous two days, we talked about the reasons why school gates are closed to girls, which reasons support this decision and the ways to solve it.

Hello, good morning everyone, I hope you are all well

The reason for the closure of schools is that the Taliban want women not to progress

And the solution for girls is to create home classes and online lessons that we have already mentioned

Hello everyone, hope you are all fine and doing well

I believe that one of the best alternative solution for females to continue their education is online education platforms.

there are websites which have free to use contents in different fields for different levels, which everyone could use.

This is the best solution to the current problems and the defeat of the Taliban

one of the main advantage of online education platforms is that they are free to use and there is not any need for subscription or buying packages.

another advantage of studying online is that there are books or educational videos which could be downloaded any share with others as well.

「いいね!」 1

perhaps in 10 families only 3 of them have access to internet, those 3 can download contents from the internet and share it with other 7 families and study all together.