Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2E

Ah, you raise a valid concern. However, by leveraging online learning and technology within Afghanistan, girls can remain connected to their homeland while receiving quality education. This approach nurtures a generation capable of contributing to societal progress locally. The focus should be on creating opportunities within the country to encourage these educated individuals to stay and serve. Unified efforts and innovative solutions can indeed bridge the gap and enhance educational access.

yes, for those who have access to internet and computers or smart phones, online education is the best option to study.

Absolutely! Online education can indeed serve as a vital lifeline for Afghan girls who have access to the necessary tools like the internet, computers, or smartphones. It offers a way to bypass restrictions and continue their studies. With international support and improved digital infrastructure, we can ensure these young women receive the education they deserve, fostering societal progress and empowerment. Education is, after all, a fundamental human right. Let’s keep advocating for this important cause!

as we all know there are websites which offer contents in different fields for different levels, where everyone could study from their home and practice their lessons.

I’m 100 percent sure that whatever the government set a rule about the appearance or something else girls will accept and will never deny .
Girls only want schools and universities to open that’s it .

And most of them are free

We have many problems, but we are forced to find a solution because the Taliban do not help in the education of girls, so we must find a solution to solve our current problem.

another benefit of online materials is that one can download contents which could be e books or videos and share it with others who does not have access to internet, or even they can print it in paper to read and practice.

Yes ! If only one person in home have access to online platforms she/he can share it with others

Yes, the girls are ready to accept any kind of Taliban rule for the sake of studying

「いいね!」 1

We have to do for our basic rights .
How sad it is , in this century we dont have access to our basic rights like education and work

Yes they are

They keep saying this to us to stay patient but it’s almost three years now

actually there are mobile apps which have e books in it, we could work on it and add books and practical books or practices in different fields where girls could download the app and study everything offline from their home.

They don’t listen and care about people’s demand

no, this way they are trying to kill time, and up to now nothing is cleared about girl’s education.

then they are a failed government, and won’t last for long.

it’s a shame, we are hoping to have our own basic rights.

Taliban don’t even want girls to leave home, so how can they think about girls’ education and future

We currently live in a backward government