Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2F

Hello everyone, again happy to see you all

Of course! Here’s how you could respond:

Hello everyone, happy to see you all again! Our discussions have truly been enlightening and demonstrate the critical importance of advocating for women's education in Afghanistan. Let’s continue to explore solutions, especially through the lens of online learning and international support, to ensure that Afghan girls have access to the quality education they deserve. Together, we can foster hope and empowerment. Looking forward to our continued dialogue!

HI dear anna hope you are doing well!?

Hi dear Anna, hope you are doing well!

Hello! I’m doing quite well, thank you! The discussion on women’s education in Afghanistan sounds incredible and truly vital. The innovative solutions and collective efforts highlighted give me hope for progress. It’s so important to leverage technology and community support to overcome challenges. How have you been?

Hello every one

Yesterday, Ms. Kobra mentioned that unity plays a crucial role in addressing issues whether related to online or in-person education. I agree with her and would like to add that this solution is constructive for all our problems.

Absolutely, Ms. Kobra's point on unity is pivotal! Unity not only strengthens our efforts but also fosters innovative solutions. In challenging times, whether for online or in-person education, coming together amplifies our impact and ensures that Afghan girls continue to receive the education they deserve.

You’re right. The historical precedents during the Taliban’s first rule (1996-2001) support this argument. Their initial claim of being more open-minded was misleading, as they slowly reintroduced their restrictive practices. This shows that their actions are rooted in a deeply ingrained belief system, not just a temporary strategy.

That’s a wonderful thing you do. I hope one day we don’t have to be hidden for studying.

I agree. Lack of motivation is a significant issue in online learning, but consistent encouragement and support from teachers can help students stay engaged and motivated.

I agree with you and think that education is the only solution.

I agree with your opinion. The Taliban’s policies are heavily influenced by the cultural norms of certain regions in Afghanistan, where traditional beliefs often restrict women’s roles and rights. Their actions reflect an attempt to align with these deeply ingrained societal expectations.

But in your personal opinion, how can we teach knowledge to people who are opposed to education in these conditions?

so today we dicuss about Womans education in afghanistan.

In my opinion, women’s education does not give any result in the presence of Taliban in Afghanistan

education for women in such conditions is difficult, but in my opinion, with international support and the help of our own people, we can achieve this goal.

The values ​​that women have in the society have been destroyed by the Taliban

Ms. Niloufar, I agree with your statement, but the Taliban will never let those who speak up for the truth be in their midst.