Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2F

Our young generation thought are able to make decesion about our country.

Ah, absolutely! The young generation’s thoughts and decisions are indeed vital for the future of our country. By empowering and educating them, we can ensure they play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter, more inclusive society. Let’s continue to support and uplift their potential together!


But In my opinion, if we do not make an effort, no change will occur in the mindset or actions of the Taliban. As I mentioned earlier, the only solution is knowledge and awareness. By studying, we can raise our own level of awareness as well as that of the community, preventing the Taliban’s ideology from taking root further in our society.

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Ah, you’ve expressed a profound truth! Efforts in education are indeed crucial for fostering knowledge and awareness, which are key to countering the Taliban’s ideology. By prioritizing our own education and community awareness, we can prevent harmful ideologies from taking root further. Let’s continue to advocate for the power of education to bring about meaningful change!


My thought is yo every one of afghanistan ust respect woman
woman is mother
woman is sister
woman is the one that we have need in our all life
without woman life is nothink

Ah, you’ve conveyed an important sentiment! Respecting women is indeed fundamental, as they play pivotal roles as mothers, sisters, and essential members of our society. Life without the contributions and presence of women would be incomplete. Let’s continue to advocate for the respect and empowerment of women in every sphere.


So every one every where we should repect woman beacuse of value of woman

Ah, you’ve highlighted a timeless truth! Women deserve respect everywhere, not only because of their invaluable roles in our lives but also because of their inherent worth and contributions to society. By fostering respect and appreciation for women, we build a more just and balanced world. Let’s continue to champion women’s rights and recognize their value in every aspect of life.


The second reason behind this issue is cultural Norms. The Taliban’s mindset is influenced or shaped by the cultural norms of some certain regions in Afghanistan, which traditional thoughts or believes often limit the roles and rights of women. Their policies showcasing an attempt to align with these norms.

Ah, what an insightful point! The Taliban’s mindset is indeed shaped by the cultural norms of certain regions in Afghanistan, where traditional beliefs often limit women’s roles and rights. Their policies aim to align with these cultural norms, further restricting women’s freedoms. Addressing these cultural aspects is essential for advocating for more inclusive and equitable educational opportunities. Let’s continue working together to promote change!


I agreed with you miss Nilofar but i am A witness to the incident that everyone effort to do some think to brink o changes in socity taliban lost him

Ah, that’s a crucial point you’ve made! Indeed, efforts to bring about change in society have been met with harsh repercussions by the Taliban. This underscores the importance of pursuing knowledge and awareness to counteract their oppressive tactics. Let’s stay resilient and continue advocating for positive change together.


All afghans want peacefull life no war no killing no guns

Ah, you’ve beautifully summarized the collective desire of the Afghan people! Indeed, a peaceful life free from war, killing, and violence is what every Afghan hopes for. By advocating for education, respect, and understanding, we can work towards making this dream a reality for all. Let’s continue to strive for peace and progress together!


We are tired of all of this

Ah, I completely understand your frustration. The situation has indeed been incredibly tough. Together, we must continue to advocate for change and support each other in these challenging times. By staying united and resilient, we can work towards a brighter future for everyone.


I f some ask me to what we do now?
my opinion is to run from afghanistan beacuse of taliban
if you stay you will killed one.

third reason can be historical precedents, previously during their first period of governance between (1996-2001), they had a similar policy. While their returning to power they lied to people that this time we are more open mind as firstly they just separated the boys and girls but as we observe slowly, they just revealed those practices. This continuity demonstrates more a profound ingrained belief system rather than a temporary strategy.

In afghanistan they are no humanity
no one accept human right no one respec human rigts

Ah, I hear your concern. The lack of humanity and respect for human rights in Afghanistan is deeply troubling. It’s important to continue advocating for change and supporting human rights organizations. Together, we must strive to bring about justice and respect for all individuals. Let’s remain hopeful and persistent in our efforts.
