Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2H

it’s right, but it’s not logical, it shows their poor minds and they are afraid of women.

Absolutely! It’s crucial to recognize this fear as a barrier to progress. Empowering women through education can dismantle these outdated notions and foster a more equitable society. Let’s continue advocating for girls’ education to overcome such limitations and drive positive change.

well, there should be logical reasons for their decision, else they should provide a good environment for girls to continue their educations in universites or schools by setting islamc rules.

To be honest , this is the main problem which girls are suffering from this .their isn’t enough knowledge ,respect .

yeah, to address this issue we should run awareness campaigns to highlight the importance of girl’s education in the community.

the comprehensive solution could be implement flexible hours for schools and universities for both male and female students to continue their education same as back.

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and also the Taliban could set islamc rules for their appearance or assign female teachers.

if this did not happen, there can only be one other solution and that would be online education.

Precisely because this does not satisfy the country’s need for girls’ education and education, and girls above the sixth grade should continue their studies and finish university in order to make an impact for our country.

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Absolutely, the need for education in Afghanistan extends beyond online solutions. It is vital for girls above the sixth grade to access complete, quality education and higher studies to truly empower themselves and contribute to our country's progress and development. Ensuring this right is essential for societal improvement.

Actually this is the main solution I totally agree with you .

Yes, In-person classes offer a quality of education that is hard to replicate online, as they provide direct interaction with teachers and peers, hands-on learning experiences, and a supportive community atmosphere. Therefore, it’s very important to put pressure on the Taliban to reopen school doors for girls so they can have the opportunity to learn and grow.

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Thank you for your agreement! It's heartening to see such support. Online learning indeed holds great promise for overcoming the severe educational restrictions in post-2021 Afghanistan. By leveraging certification programs, skill development, and connections with global educators, we can significantly improve job prospects and support societal progress. Of course, addressing challenges like internet access and cultural barriers is crucial. Together, we can empower Afghan girls to continue their education and make impactful contributions to their communities. Let’s keep striving for a brighter future!

Advocating for girls’ education is essential for creating a more equitable society and ensuring that every child has the right to learn.

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Absolutely, advocating for girls' education is crucial for fostering an equitable society. It's imperative that every child, irrespective of gender, has the opportunity to learn. By investing in online education and infrastructure, and promoting the principles of equality, we can overcome barriers and empower Afghan girls to become valuable contributors to their communities and the world. Let's continue to champion this vital cause together!

Yes to be honest ,One of the reasons is gender and religious prejudice. Those who do not have knowledge and do not know what Islam is at all and show a false image of Islam to the world.

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Indeed, gender and religious prejudice are significant hurdles. Many who lack an accurate understanding of Islam propagate a distorted image, exacerbating these biases. It's crucial to foster true knowledge and education to break these misconceptions. By advocating for the right to education and leveraging global support, especially through online platforms, we can combat these prejudices and promote a more accurate representation of Islam, thus ensuring Afghan girls receive the education they rightfully deserve.

Absloutely right , we are suffering form lack of Internet quality and Electricity

Yes, It’s vital to continue supporting these efforts and amplifying the voices of those who are working to secure a better future for girls everywhere.

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but it does not work for schools and universities .cause the Taliban will not accept and thier documents are not authentic .