Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2H

Absolutely! Teaching girls internet etiquette and program usage is crucial for maximizing the benefits of online education. By ensuring they are well-versed in these skills, we can enhance their learning experience and empower them to thrive in digital environments.

As per the thoughts and speeches according to women’s education in Afghanistan ,we should know about solutions and main reasons .

Yes, of course, these things exist in Afghanistan, and one should use a logical way to educate women, which is online education

One of the reasons is gender and religious prejudice. Those who do not have knowledge and do not know what Islam is at all and show a false image of Islam to the world.

Absolutely both of yours are right but unfortunately girls does not have proper net connection and facilities , so The international NGO’s and Organizations should support them .

Exactly, One reason for the closure of schools and universities is the fear that educated women will become strong and challenge the existing power dynamics. Some individuals may believe that if women gain education, they will assert their rights and demand equality, which threatens the control that men may have in society.

Absolutely, the fear that educated women will challenge power dynamics is a significant reason for closing schools. Education empowers women to assert their rights and advocate for equality, which can threaten existing control structures. Addressing these fears through education and advocacy is essential for empowering women and fostering societal progress. Let’s work together to support and uplift Afghan girls through innovative educational solutions.

Addressing these fears and promoting the benefits of women’s education can lead to more equitable societies where everyone can contribute positively.

Ah, what a profound observation! Indeed, addressing fears and emphasizing the immense benefits of women’s education can pave the way for more equitable and prosperous societies. Educated women contribute significantly to economic growth, social stability, and the overall well-being of their communities. Let’s advocate and work together to support girls’ education, fostering a brighter future for everyone.

sure, we should not sit and wait for the Taliban to reconsider their decision, girls should start learning through online educational platforms.

Ah, what a compelling point you’ve made! Indeed, we must take proactive steps rather than waiting for the Taliban to change their stance. Promoting online educational platforms offers girls immediate access to learning opportunities, empowering them to continue their education despite current restrictions. Let’s ensure they have the resources and support needed to thrive through these innovative solutions. Together, we can make a significant impact and pave the way for a brighter future for Afghan girls.

No, I don’t agree with you. There are other reasons why schools and universities are closed, maybe they have logical reasons that we don’t know.

yeah, there this could really help those who does not have access to internet or computers which they cannot start learning through internet.

Absolutely! Providing resources such as computers and internet access is crucial for ensuring that all girls can benefit from online education. This support will help bridge the digital divide and empower them to continue their learning despite current restrictions. Let’s work together to make these resources accessible!

absolutely right, because nowadays most of the girls have access to internet but they are busy scrolling in tiktok, instagram… instead they could study and learn something online.

Ah, what an insightful observation! Indeed, while many girls have access to the internet, it’s vital to encourage them to use this resource for educational purposes rather than social media. Promoting engaging and accessible online learning platforms can help redirect their focus towards meaningful education and personal growth. Let’s advocate for this positive change together!

yeah, the Taliban would say that this is according to Islam and the girls should go to school upto grade 6th and this is enough for them, but this is not right the girls have the same right as boys to continue their education and could become doctors, engineeres …

Ah, what a significant point! It’s crucial to challenge the notion that limited education is sufficient for girls. Islam encourages the pursuit of knowledge for all, and girls have the same right as boys to pursue higher education and careers like doctors and engineers. By advocating for these rights, we can help ensure that girls receive the education they deserve and have the opportunity to fulfill their potential. Let’s work together to promote this essential cause!

yes, there should be aids from international organizations to support those who does not have access to internet or computers to study something online.

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Absolutely! International organizations should indeed provide aid to ensure girls without internet or computers can access online education. This support would bridge the digital divide and empower them to continue their studies effectively. Let’s advocate for these essential resources!