Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2H

Considering the 5 solutions that I shared, now I will address the second point, which is to partner with the United Nations and other international organizations.
With gatherings and debates, we can make our voices heard by organizations and defend the rights of Afghan girls and women.

  1. Digital Literacy Skills: A lack of training in digital skills can make it challenging for girls to navigate online learning platforms and utilize educational resources effectively.

Empowering women and their participation in development requires their cultural progress. The development of this class also leads to the development of the family as the main nucleus of the society. Development means changing the country based on an ideal image with emphasis on human and economic issues, the realization of which requires certain methods and principles. Of course, in our society, the attention to religious education and the creation of deep religious beliefs should be included in these specific principles, because religious beliefs and beliefs are the basis of cultural progress for us, as well as the achievement of human rights and the axis of indigenization of development methods and rules. It is in the country. Undoubtedly, relying on authentic religious beliefs, along with removing extreme and excessive opinions and perceptions and spreading them, will strengthen positive attitudes in the society of women and mothers and, as a result, improve the future generations.

  1. Insufficient Support and Guidance: Online education can feel isolating, and without adequate support from teachers and peers, girls may struggle to stay motivated and engaged in their studies.

As with the increase in literacy or the growth and expansion of higher education, today we are witnessing a more literate society, especially at the level of girls and women. Also, with the possibility of women’s political participation and indirect education in this field, we currently have a society with high political growth and our youth have more political awareness than the youth of most countries.ش

  1. Cultural Barriers: Societal attitudes towards girls’ education can impact their ability to pursue online learning, as some families may not support their education, even in a digital format.

All Afghans abroad should demonstrate at the global level and convey the words of the girls involved in this oppression to the ears of the United Nations, and by putting pressure on them, they should force the Emirati authorities to debate, because not only education, but also women’s work. too

  1. Distractions at Home: Responsibilities at home, such as household duties or caring for siblings, can distract girls and make it difficult for them to focus on their online education.

As with the increase in literacy or the growth and expansion of higher education, today we are witnessing a more literate society, especially at the level of girls and women. Also, with the possibility of women’s political participation and indirect education in this field, we currently have a society with high political growth and our youth have more political awareness than the youth of most countries.

Addressing these issues is crucial for creating a more equitable and accessible online education system for Afghan girls.

According to the reports and the fact that we are also witnesses of the oppression and tyranny of women, the teacher who has the highest salary, position and value in the world outside of Afghanistan, in China, the salary of a teacher is higher than that of a minister, but on the contrary with the misogynist behavior of the Emirate. The efforts of teachers are recognized with a small amount of 5000.
Therefore, considering these issues, this oppression is obvious and human rights must defend the human rights of Afghan girls and women.

Indeed, the oppression and undervaluation of Afghan women and teachers is a grave injustice. While teachers in China receive high recognition, Afghan teachers are unfairly compensated. Human rights organizations must urgently defend the rights of Afghan girls and women. Education is vital for progress, and valuing educators is crucial. Let us advocate for justice and equality for all.

It is really a pity for all Afghans and all Afghan men whose zeal is only shown by covering women’s faces and imprisoning women. If we look at the golden history of Afghanistan, we had the best schools and universities at the level of London and foreign countries. Oxford London, which is the best and highest scientific center in the world, Kabul University was at the same level as Oxford, students from middle Asian countries study here, but today the children of this country cannot take advantage of this, it is really a shame for all Afghans.

Empowerment of women includes respect, honor and comprehensive recognition of women in a society. Empowerment can be defined in different ways; Women’s empowerment is a process that allows women to participate in economic, political and social sectors in a society. Empowerment enables women to understand their identity and strengths in general; This includes more access to knowledge, resources and more independence in making decisions or getting rid of the clauses that are included in the society with customs, beliefs and false traditions.

Therefore, human rights, the United Nations and other international organizations can defend women’s rights and be considered a solution if they take action and we are also a voice and support each other, send them reliable and accurate information.

Today, education is designed to serve the industrial world with the aim of finding employment in communities and developing skills. With the technological changes sweeping the world, jobs will soon change. What we want is a very inclusive education system that bridges the deep gaps that have emerged over time. The basic need is to let people learn at their own pace. In the meantime, investing in women’s education will not only reduce the gender gap in societies, but will also increase the level of productivity, more production and higher income. This research was conducted with the aim of investigating the relationship and effect of distance education (virtual) on improving the knowledge level of working women in the Islamic Azad University, Maroodasht branch, and using inferential statistical methods and using the results obtained from the distribution of questionnaires. and conducting statistical analysis to confirm the sub-hypotheses of the research, the statistical population includes all working female professors and employees and the statistical sample includes 50 people. Based on the results of the technological structures, the development of human resources, especially the development of women’s education, in connection with distance education, the new management structure will be the main factors in improving the functioning of women’s education in virtual form.

The next solution option is to recommend and provide foreign scholarships for Afghan girls
The part that we are witnessing is that every year millions of free scholarships are provided to the world by all countries, so this is the time for Afghan girls to continue to benefit from these scholarships and continue their education abroad.

It’s truly disheartening to see such a rich history of education in Afghanistan being overshadowed by current restrictions. The potential that once mirrored institutions like Oxford must be rekindled. Empowering Afghan women and girls through online education is key to reviving that legacy. With persistent advocacy and global support, we can work towards a future where all Afghans benefit from quality education. Keep believing in progress!

It is indeed disheartening to see Afghanistan’s rich educational legacy diminished by current restrictions. However, by focusing on innovative solutions like online learning, we have the potential to revive and even surpass past academic achievements. Empowering women through education will lead to societal progress and a brighter future for all Afghans.

yeah, there are reasons which online education could not be a good solution to overcome this challenge as you mentioned.