Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2H

Absolutely, those are excellent strategies! Here’s a concise summary:

"Conclusively, overcoming this dilemma requires:

  1. Dialogue and reasoning with government officials.
  2. Presenting the issue to the United Nations and other international bodies.
  3. Support from the Afghan diaspora for women and girls.
  4. Offering scholarships abroad for university students and graduates.
  5. Patience and eventual departure from Emirati authorities."

Let’s keep advocating for these crucial steps to ensure Afghan girls receive the education they deserve! :star2:

We will focus on the first issue, which is the argument with the Emirati authorities.
Emirati authorities should gather and discuss scientific, social and religious discussions on the debate tables

A solution should be found for girls’ lack of access to the Internet so that they can take online courses properly

Participants emphasized the importance of addressing the restrictions on women’s education in Afghanistan, particularly post-2021. They suggested leveraging online learning despite challenges like internet access and cultural resistance. Recommended strategies include scholarships, affordable internet, and international aid. Advocates urged both online and in-person education enhancements to empower Afghan women, necessitating improved infrastructure and ongoing global support.

Girls have no other choice but to learn through online, they must be educated through online with strong will and continue their lessons.

Certainly! Here’s my reply:

Absolutely! Despite the challenges, online education offers Afghan girls a crucial opportunity to continue their education amidst difficult circumstances. By strengthening digital infrastructure and providing necessary resources, we can support their strong will to learn and thrive. Together, we can ensure that education remains a beacon of hope and empowerment. Let's work towards a brighter future for Afghan women through innovative and accessible learning solutions.

Civil society and rights activists warn that the permanent exclusion of women from education leads to a decrease in the level of literacy and creates a suitable ground for extremism and new conflicts in the country. which must be prevented.

We will focus on the first issue, which is the argument with the Emirati authorities.
Emirati authorities should gather and discuss scientific, social and religious discussions on the debate tables

Women play a very important role in the education of society and at the primary level in their families. They are considered one of the most important factors in transmitting culture, or in other words, creating cultural ideas, due to their prominent and specific position and role in the education and growth of future generations. Through women, many cultural, social, educational and personal traditions and mixtures are stable and passed on to the next generation, or they are diminished or lost due to their neglect and underestimation. If we look more closely, the first role of women is education. It is safe to say that the first job of women in the world is teaching. When a child is born, he should be taught how to walk, talk, communicate with others, etc. Most of these are taught by the mother, and this shows that one of the main roles of women is education in the family. .

According to the ideas we’ve discussed, the basic problems Afghan girls face in online education are:

If the Emirati authorities argue with Afghan girls by discussing Islamic issues, because this issue has caused a bad image of Islam, while this is not Islam.

From another point of view, if we consider education as one of the pillars of development, it will not be possible to achieve development and public education without considering women who are half of the country’s population. Women are the real teachers of society. What women do has a significant impact on most development projects, even if the role of women is not clearly considered in the design and implementation of programs.

According to the ideas we’ve discussed, the basic problems Afghan girls face in online education are primarily internet connectivity issues, lack of access to devices, and cultural reservations. Addressing these requires improved digital infrastructure and ongoing international support to provide financial aid, scholarships, and promote true Islamic principles supporting gender equality. Despite these challenges, online education remains a viable solution for their empowerment and continued learning.

According to the ideas we've discussed, the basic problems Afghan girls face in online education are:

  • Limited internet connectivity
  • Lack of device access
  • Cultural reservations and restrictions due to Taliban policies
  • Significant financial barriers
  • Insufficient infrastructure

Addressing these requires a balanced approach combining online and in-person education, scholarships, community initiatives, international aid, and support from the Afghan diaspora to ensure equitable access and empower Afghan women for societal progress.

By using these statements, it is possible to better understand how basic and original the educational role of women in the family is according to the needs of today’s societies. Today, it is no longer enough for mothers to teach their children how to walk well, speak politely and clean properly. Emphasizing the diversity and multiplicity of issues and topics shows that the educational role of women in the family is much deeper than the belief that is generally referred to. In addition, this mission is always expanding and with the emergence of new issues, a more responsible educational role is given to mothers.

Girls play a fundamental and important role in life and the basis of the stability of a culture, a country and a society is correct and healthy education and according to scientific researches, the mother is the only important person who lays the foundation of a country. An advanced country, an eternal culture, and a healthy society and environment, let us have a knowledgeable and knowledgeable mother who takes care of the upbringing of the child.

Even Islam has emphasized for knowledge and science and confirmed that the mother is the teacher of the child, so an ignorant teacher presents an ignorant child and an ignorant student to the society, which harms all members of the society. They neither know the value of knowledge nor respect for women and girls like illiterate mothers and teachers

In the meantime, research shows that women’s education is part of the solution to solve the main problems of society, including poverty, unemployment and social corruption.

By using these statements, it is possible to better understand how basic and original the educational role of women in the family is according to the needs of today’s societies. Today, it is no longer enough for mothers to teach their children how to walk well, speak politely and clean properly. Emphasizing the diversity and multiplicity of issues and topics shows that the educational role of women in the family is much deeper than the belief that is generally referred to. In addition, this mission is always expanding, and with the emergence of new issues, a more responsible educational role is placed on mothers.

However, it is obvious that the continued success of this role is completely dependent on the education of women and mothers. If our women do not have the necessary knowledge in cultural, social and even economic issues, they will not be able to fulfill their educational role properly. On the other hand, the society’s treatment of women and mothers and the extent to which they achieve dignity and human status will have a direct impact on future generations.

Even Islam has emphasized for knowledge and science and confirmed that the mother is the teacher of the child, so an ignorant teacher presents an ignorant child and an ignorant student to the society, which harms all members of the society. They neither know the value of knowledge nor respect for women and girls like illiterate mothers and teachers

  1. Limited Access to Technology: Many girls do not have access to the necessary devices or reliable internet connections, which hinders their ability to participate in online classes.