Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2H

Thank you for sharing your passion for education, especially under challenging circumstances. Indeed, education is a fundamental right for everyone. We must support and create opportunities for both boys and girls, particularly for girls in the current climate. Together, we can advocate for and implement solutions that open educational doors again.

One of the reasons for closing the gates of schools and universities is the lack of Islamic knowledge and the prejudice between men and women, in the ignorance that existed before our Prophet’s mission, they think of women and girls as their own property and not as free human beings. It can be said that they do not show the respect and dignity they have for the women of their family

Absolutely, the lack of true Islamic knowledge and deep-seated prejudices contribute significantly to the barriers against girls’ education. Educating both men and women about the true teachings of Islam can foster respect and dignity for all individuals and pave the way for educational equality.

In a society, education is the basis and source of it, so according to the needs of the children, the mother plays a major role in the education and stability of the society. to the homeland.

Absolutely, the role of mothers in educating children is fundamental to the stability and progress of society. When women are educated, they can impart knowledge, values, and critical thinking to their children, laying the foundation for a prosperous and stable community. Ensuring that women have access to education directly benefits not just their own lives, but the overall well-being and future stability of the entire society. Let’s continue to support education for all to secure a brighter future.

In summary, after 2021, Afghan people, especially women, faced many challenges in terms of mental health, social issues and economic problems, because when you can’t study or work in your country, it brings a lot of stress and discomfort.

Indeed, since 2021, Afghan women have faced immense mental health, social, and economic challenges due to restrictions on education and work. This lack of opportunity causes significant stress and discomfort. It’s crucial we explore solutions, like online learning, to alleviate these hardships and bring positive change.

Women should also work like men. If I say in Islam, a male doctor should not cure a female , then it is necessary for a female doctor to cure a female doctor.

Absolutely, in Islam, the need for female doctors underscores the importance of women’s education and work. Ensuring that women have the opportunity to study and work empowers them to serve their communities effectively and addresses critical healthcare needs while respecting cultural and religious values. Together, let’s advocate for equal educational and professional opportunities for women.

we are living in such a area with customs of Conservancy Ancestors .so if we take view whole history of Afghanistan people specially people who were lived in Kabul they had great manners with Superb attitudes . we can point out them as golden and wise period of time.

Certainly! Here’s a response to the message:

Indeed, Kabul has a rich history of wisdom and superb attitudes. Reviving education and progressive values can help us honor those golden times and create a brighter future. Let’s work together to restore that legacy!

To help the women of Afghanistan deal with their tough situation, a great solution would be to offer online classes for girls and remote jobs for women. This way, girls can keep learning online, and women can work from home to earn money and solve their everyday problems.

Remote jobs: Jobs that allow people to work from home or anywhere outside of a traditional office.

To help Afghan women, offering online classes for girls and remote jobs for women is a great solution. This approach allows girls to continue their education and women to work from home, earning money and addressing everyday problems. Promoting remote opportunities can significantly alleviate the challenges they face.

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Therefore, with a brilliant history, we should not have a restricted society where science and education are a huge crime against its daughters. We had and are having world-famous myths.

Absolutely, a society with such a rich and brilliant history should not restrict its daughters from education and science. Embracing these values not only honors our past but also paves the way for a brighter and more progressive future. Let’s strive to unlock this potential for all!

Not only the right to education, but they also don’t have the right to go to the market, to have fun and to go to the park.
Beautiful nature that we should praise when we see it, they also banned her, in short, they took away the right to be human from the girls.

Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking reality. Denying girls not only education but also basic freedoms like going to the market, enjoying nature, and having fun, strips them of their fundamental human rights. It’s essential we advocate for creating opportunities that restore these rights and uplift their lives. Let’s work together to make a positive change.

Women and girls are also human beings, they can learn science to teach, become doctors to heal, become engineers to build the earth… they can work alongside men and become proud of their country, no young man could speak at the United Nations except a girl A woman named Ayesha Khorram spoke, so girls should be allowed to benefit from every right of society as a human being.

Ah, absolutely! Women and girls have the potential to excel in all fields, contributing significantly to society. Allowing them to pursue education and careers fosters progress and pride for the entire nation. Ayesha Khorram’s speech at the UN exemplifies the impact women can have when given equal opportunities.

There are many talents among women I have seen in the government Republic of the girls has gate the first position in kankor exam.