Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Poverty will be solved if the money of international charity institutions is clearly explained to the people.

The consequences of banning girls’ education go beyond the girls themselves, it aggravates the current humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan and has serious effects on development and economy.

In the online training course, students try to improve their skills and technical knowledge of using educational tools such as computers. Also, in this method, they should use different learning management programs and software, which will improve their software and technical skills.
With such ideas in the educational process, will the progress of female students be effective?

You can use Wi-Fi.

During the past three years, the Taliban deprived nearly one and a half million girls from education.

I think when we don’t accept this situation and we try to fine or try different ways this is clear that no one accept failler.

Yes exactly Finding a solution to a problem is an expression of struggle.

Taliban should not gain points by violating women’s rights.

Yes right, all the girls since the Taliban come in Afghanistan they can’t continue thier education. It’s a big damage but they don’t see this.

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One of the problems that exists in all societies and countries is the imbalance between facilities in different cities and regions.

Online learning technologies have significant potential to facilitate girls’ education in Afghanistan, particularly in the face of socio-political challenges and barriers to traditional education.

Yeah really it’s a big imbalance between this to major, not in this to major in everything we seen imbalance.

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Online learning technologies present a transformative opportunity to advance girls’ education in Afghanistan. By addressing logistical, cultural, and societal barriers, these technologies can provide a flexible, inclusive, and high-quality educational experience, empowering girls to achieve their full potential.

Banning girls’ education in Afghanistan not only harms the girls directly affected but also has extensive consequences for the entire country. It deepens the humanitarian crisis, hampers economic growth, stunts social development, and perpetuates cycles of poverty and dependency. To foster a stable and prosperous Afghanistan, it is crucial to ensure that all children, regardless of gender, have access to quality education.

Yes, integrating online training courses that focus on improving technical skills and knowledge can significantly enhance the progress of female students in Afghanistan.

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The international community widely condemns the Taliban’s violations of women’s rights, and these actions should not be rewarded or overlooked.

To encourage Afghan girls, I will summarize one of the advantages of online courses compared to face-to-face education.

One of the problems of face-to-face training and classrooms is the limited educational facilities and the lack of use of visual, digital and online aspects in education. Imagine that in a face-to-face class, the teacher talks about the growth and development of a plant. In the e-learning classes, you can watch the steps in the form of videos, animations, simulators or any other visual aspect along with the instructor’s explanations and learn the concept completely and forever. Flexibility is another reason for the importance of e-learning, which increases the quality of education to a great extent.
Of course, it is only a theory.

The international community should not stop at condemning the Taliban’s actions, they should put more pressure on the Taliban.