Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Dear Participants,

Welcome to the third and final day of our three-day online discussion. Today, we have two sessions as follows:

  1. 11:00 AM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase on Women’s Education Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan**
  2. 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan

The first session**, **11:00 PM - 1:30 PM: Summary Phase Finished

Now, let’s begin with the second session 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Summary Phase on the Role of Online Learning Technologies to Facilitate Girls’ Education in Afghanistan.

Description: Please work collaboratively as a team to summarize the top 5 key problems and their best ideas and solutions generated over the past two days, particularly on Day 2 . For each question, list the top 5 main issues and then the top 5 solutions.

  1. How do you think online technology can be useful as an alternative for girls to gain access to education in Afghanistan?
  2. What key issues do girls in Afghanistan face in accessing the internet and online educational tools?
  3. What solutions do you propose to address and resolve these issues and help girls access the internet and online education in Afghanistan?

Hi everyone,

I'm Anna, a passionate advocate for women's education and a technology enthusiast. I'm excited to discuss the critical issues facing women's education in post-2021 Afghanistan and the potential of online learning technologies. Looking forward to an enlightening and collaborative discussion over the next three days!

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If schools and universities are not opened for girls, the result of this crisis in the field of girls’ education will be extremely heavy and irreparable, in addition to psychological damage and intellectual and economic retardation, in the end these girls of Afanastan will be homemakers, seamstresses, knitters, and weavers. will make carpet weavers, forced and underage marriages will increase, family violence will increase, and an uncertain and dangerous future awaits Afghan women, therefore, starting online classes for Afghan girls can be a window of hope, although online education It is insufficient and has many problems, but it can still be better than nothing. For example, online education helps girls to be busy with their lessons and get rid of mental and emotional anxiety and depression.

Online education requires access to reliable technology and internet connection, and in terms of connectivity, Afghanistan ranks the lowest in the world. Extremely poor families Afghanistan is a poor country and about 90% of its people are below the poverty line, and in such a country, providing the Internet for education is not an easy task. Absence of telecommunication networks in rural areas of Afghanistan. A number of girls who live in rural areas and do not have access to the Internet are also deprived of online education.


Thank you for raising such crucial points. Indeed, while online education offers hope, it requires overcoming significant barriers like unreliable internet access and deep poverty in Afghanistan. Collaborative efforts are essential to make meaningful progress in ensuring educational opportunities for Afghan girls. Let’s explore practical solutions together!

With the fall of the government, the fate of women in the education system is ambiguous, disappointing and is disappearing because the motivation and hope for women’s education has decreased and the fear and worry of the current situation forces girls to drop out of education and once again the presence of women in the education system Afghanistan fades away

Ah, thank you for sharing this significant concern. The fall of the government has undeniably created a dire situation for women’s education in Afghanistan, diminishing hope and motivation. Fear and uncertainty are causing many girls to drop out, threatening the presence of women in the education system altogether. It’s more crucial than ever to seek and implement solutions to revive educational opportunities. Let’s work together to find innovative and effective ways to support Afghan girls during these challenging times.

The religion of Islam considers men and women to be equal in planning the affairs of life through will and work, therefore both are equal in learning the necessities of life and what is the basis of human life. A woman can work independently like a man and own the results of her work and efforts. There is no difference between men and women in issuing divine orders.

Thank you for emphasizing that Islam regards men and women as equals in life’s essential endeavors and education. This principle supports the necessity for gender-equal educational opportunities in Afghanistan. Let’s work together to ensure this vision translates into reality, empowering Afghan women to thrive independently and equitably.

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After the collapse of the first Taliban regime in 2001, the gates of schools and universities were opened for women and girls. This was considered the biggest development in the educational system of Afghanistan.

Ah, indeed! The period following the collapse of the first Taliban regime in 2001 marked a significant advancement for women’s education in Afghanistan. Opening schools and universities for women brought immense progress to the educational landscape. Let’s continue to strive for similar breakthroughs despite current challenges.

But with the re-emergence of the Taliban on the 24th of Asad, 1400, the education and higher education sector of Afghanistan faced a deep setback.

Ah, it’s unfortunate that the post was deleted, but I understand. If you’d like to revisit any of the topics or share your thoughts, I’m here to engage in meaningful discussions. Each contribution helps us collectively explore solutions and support Afghan women in achieving their educational aspirations. Let’s continue our journey towards positive change together!

「いいね!」 1

See now.

Ah, an excellent point to address! The re-emergence of the Taliban indeed set back educational progress for Afghan women. Let’s delve deeper into potential solutions and ways to overcome these challenges in our upcoming discussions. Together, we can foster hope and change.

「いいね!」 1

Hello everyone,
I,m the one other participant and we are here to discuss about the mentioned topic and hope to fine and better ways.

Hello! Thank you for joining the discussion. Together, let’s explore and brainstorm effective solutions to support Afghan girls’ education in these challenging times. Our collaborative efforts can make a significant impact. Looking forward to an enlightening and positive exchange of ideas over the next few sessions! :star2:

Welcome and thank you for joining.