Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

The low level of literacy and the quality of the educational system have left many negative effects on the progress and development of the country. The Taliban regime deprived all the people of Afghanistan, especially women and girls, of their human rights in the education sector, which has had a profound effect on the education process and has made the situation even worse. The continuation of this situation is intolerable for the people of Afghanistan. The international organization should The field should be given serious attention and the people of Afghanistan should fight side by side for gender discrimination so that social justice is established and the human and natural rights of Afghan girls and women are given to them.

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In post-2021 Afghanistan, the education crisis for women has deepened significantly following the Taliban’s return to power. The Taliban’s stringent policies have drastically curtailed women’s rights, including access to education. Girls and women face severe restrictions, with many secondary schools and universities closed to them. These policies have not only denied countless young women the right to education but have also reversed years of progress made in women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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The international community has voiced strong opposition, advocating for women’s education and implementing various measures such as scholarships and online education programs. However, these efforts face immense challenges due to the sociopolitical landscape in Afghanistan. Despite the hardships, many Afghan women continue to seek education through informal channels, showcasing resilience and determination. The crisis underscores the urgent need for global support and innovative solutions to ensure Afghan women can access education and contribute to their society’s future.


Yes, exactly after the fall of the republican system and the rule of the emirate system, all the achievements of the last twenty years were completely destroyed.

Now that the world does not accept the Taliban system, this group is putting pressure on women to force the international community to accept their regime. But according to the agreement that the Taliban signed with the US, this group must build an all-inclusive government in which all Afghans have a share. Otherwise, considering that some of the members of this group have been blacklisted, their regime is not recognized as a government.

On the one hand, closing the gates of schools and universities, they also banned women from working in offices. In this case, not only the people, but also a number of Taliban expressed their objections, but it did not have an effect. It turns out that Mullah Hebatullah gave this order. Maybe he takes orders from somewhere else. In this way, the Taliban have taken people hostage because of their will.

As in the pas two days, I found that the main reason that taliban banned school and deprived girls from education is their own policy that related to their mindset.

The Acting Minister of Higher Education of the Taliban, Mullah Nada Mohammad Nadim, said: “If we paid attention to population and civilization, we would have given Osama Bin Laden to America and given freedom to women. There would not have been a 20-year war and the Taliban would have been at work.” Allah does not allow us to accept the requests of the infidels. He says that the Taliban do not want civilization.
So, when the Minister of Higher Education has such a view, how can we raise the issue of negotiation with this group?

Besides, the politic lows that America and other country implement their mission through taliban.
To gain their achievements.

Studying science and acquiring knowledge is also one of the commandments that men and women have in common, and the religion of Islam never considers gender as an obstacle to acquiring knowledge. A woman is also independent in every matter that a man has independence, such as inheritance, acquisition, trading, education and defense of rights, etc.

Yes sir The wrong way of thinking of the Taliban has caused problems and anomalies in the country.

Completely agree :+1:

No friendship or enmity is permanent. And what is stable is benefits. It is America that is the close supporter and friend of the Taliban and has increased its interests from the presence of the Taliban in Afghanistan. For the United States and other countries, their own interests are a priority rather than the issue of girls’ education. I don’t think that the United States or the United Nations will put pressure on their partners (Taliban) for the rights of Afghan girls.

Any solution ?
Revolutions are usually carried out by extremists based on foreign conspiracy in our country.
It is like this that they prohibit even education and work, which are fundamental rights and needs of the society.

When knowledge is light and vision in the view of Islam, attaining it is obligatory for every Muslim. Can it be said that according to Islam, only men are required to leave the darkness and reach the light, but women do not have such a duty and must remain in the darkness of ignorance?

Yes exactly In every conspiracy and misfortune that happened in Afghanistan Foreigners have been involved

Are only foreigners the cause of such a situation in a free and independent country?

As in the pas two days, I found that the main reason that taliban banned school and deprived girls from education is their own policy that related to their mindset.

In relation to the learning of knowledge in Islam, no difference has been stated between men and women, and it has only been said that seeking knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim, but the misinterpretation of the interpretations of Islam has caused a difference between men and women. There is no fault in Islam And everything that is flawed in our Islam.

The shift from the republican system to the emirate system in Afghanistan has indeed resulted in the dismantling of many advancements achieved over the past two decades, particularly regarding women’s rights and education. Under the previous republican government, significant strides were made in increasing access to education for girls and women, improving gender equality, and empowering women to participate more fully in public and professional life. However, with the Taliban’s resurgence, these achievements have been systematically undone.