Women's Education in Afghanistan_Team B2J

Currently, girls above the sixth grade and female students cannot go to school and university.
Despite international pressure to reopen girls’ schools in Afghanistan, the Taliban did not back down from their decision. Adolescent girls in Afghanistan are still deprived of learning science

Thank you for sharing this critical issue. It is heartbreaking that girls above the sixth grade and female students cannot attend school and university due to the Taliban’s restrictions, despite global efforts to reopen these institutions. Depriving adolescent girls of education not only hinders their personal growth but also limits the potential progress of Afghan society. Let’s continue to explore and advocate for innovative solutions to support and empower the education of Afghan girls.

And we discussed about the topic by this way we can fine more and better salutations for this big problem.

Absolutely! By engaging in this discussion, we can collaboratively identify and advocate for practical and innovative solutions to address the significant challenges facing girls’ education in Afghanistan. Our collective efforts are crucial in facilitating positive change. Looking forward to our productive conversation!

They once issued an announcement to reopen the schools, but it was blocked again on the pretext that they do not have the correct Islamic curriculum.

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The closure of girls’ schools in Afghanistan has faced international reactions. But according to that, the Taliban still did not give the order to reopen the schools.

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Of course, the Taliban had promised during their previous government that they would open schools and universities to girls and women; But within five years, this promise was not fulfilled.

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Hi everyone,
This is Amina
Nice to have you all today


Hello, it is great to have you too.

I do agree, these all just remained as a dream.
No one has thought about girls rights and education which is their fundamental right.

I disagree, we should give hope to girls to be far from depression and set goals to have a bright future.

Currently, Taliban officials justify the closure of girls’ schools with contradictory statements.

I believe, The Taliban adheres to a strict interpretation of Islamic law, which they believe restricts the role of women in society. Their ideology often views women’s education as unnecessary or inappropriate.

I think, By limiting women’s access to education, the Taliban reinforces its control over the population. Education is a means of empowerment, and restricting it can help maintain the Taliban’s authority and suppress dissent.

First of all, I am happy to be in a group with you. I hope that during this time we will gain good experiences and be able to provide a reasonable solution to solve the challenges and problems of Afghan girls’ education

It is also said that the Taliban officials have a difference of opinion about the education of girls. Some officials of this group, including Abbas Stanekzai, have repeatedly supported girls’ access to education in statements.
The result of dual policy is very crisis-like.

Definitely right,
Now we can see there is no power and no develop in this three year

The fall of the Afghan government and the rise of the Taliban have also had a negative impact on private educational institutions.

Ah yes, the fall of the Afghan government and the subsequent rise of the Taliban have indeed deeply affected private educational institutions. This setback compounds the challenges faced by Afghan girls, making it imperative for us to explore innovative solutions to revive and sustain educational opportunities.

In the early days of their rule, the Taliban separated male and female students in private universities with curtains
But later this topic was also taken away from girls and all universities were closed for girls.

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