As we see the Brain Drain is a really huge challenge which we face with Since 2021, Addressing brain drain and illegal immigration requires a multifaceted approach. To decrease brain drain, providing better education, but unfortunately now the taliban regime banned all the school and university for girls and women which is the main reason of Brain Drain Crisis.
So for this problem the international Community and organization should talk to taliban for opening girls school and university so the brain drain crisis will decrease.
Generally, Brain Drain crisis in Afghanistan has a few reasons, which describe as below:
- Government policy.
- lack of safety and security.
- injustice
and some more. but the main cause is government policy against educated Afghans. I mean the government does not accept people’s rights and necessaries equally.
the government divided people into 2 categories, Mojahid and Non mojahid.
the government policy is that Mojahid can have access to all rights and facilities of life. but non mojahid have not access to their essential rights like work, education, health and safety.
The bitter truth that we all saw and continue to see, after the Taliban came to power, the educated youth do not have the idea of being in the country because they are seen as inferior, the education and hard work of the young generation is not taken into account, that is why the youth of the country for Not losing their knowledge, they migrate to other countries.
People seeks life where they can survive and have all stadards of living, treated as human being and have all rights in different stages like political, economical, social, cultural…
AFter Afghanistan fallen, the people lost this all standards of living and rights. They most of previous employees lost thier jobs, women became earesed Systematically from all stages; education, work, politics, even the Ministry of women Afairs devolved.
For that all Afghans seeks life outsied to have that all standards of living and humans right. To send thier girls to school and work.
all the people thought of leaving and fleeing the country. with the documents in hand, they were as close as possible to kabul airport so that they might have a way to get on the plate. all those who were the genius of the country were running away. from the reporters to the deputy - director - military and etc, they taught of fleeing because if the Taliban reached these people, they will be excused. this is why brain happend in Afghanistan
And i think Providing job opportunities is the other way to decrease the brain drain crisis, as we see most of the young and educated generation who have completed thier education are now jobless, and the Taliban Government don’t have eye on it and not even care about this issue.
The young generation have the responsibility of providing good life for thier family, and this is impossible without having a job.
So the main reason of brain drain is 80% Jobless
population Specially young generation.
Hello everyone, I hope you are well
My name is HarirA
And I am happy to be with you in this discussion
Hope to have a great discussion.
Thank you.
Ya, but i know some people leave without any reason they have money safety an still they leave why?
Many of those who have studied abroad in the government have a high duty, they are against the taliban and they said in the media that their lives are in danger after the Taliban come.
what do you think, what is the way to decrease the brain drain in this situation???
your ideas are respectful.
I just wonder why you adress international community to solve our problems?
Another reason for Brain Drain out of Afghanistan os that the Taliban Deprlved women and Grils from all stages even from basic rights like education. The Taliban bunnded the school doors for girls and work and the women rights didn’t take into account.
Women have been witness of thier dreams’ crumble.for that they have started seeking hope out of the country where they can follow thier dreams and have these all rights.
Process of brain drain reached into the climaxes when Taliban took the control of Afghanistan. There is no wonder that Taliban and their ideology is the first and biggest reason for illegal immigration. I remember when Taliban announced that people who educated for 20 years in Afghanistan are not accountable.
Brain drain is a worldwide phenomenon, but its intensity has increased in Afghanistan after the defeat of the Taliban, because most of the educated and elite people want a quiet and safe place, that’s why they consider immigration to be the best option
But they leave Afghanistan illegally which mean wherever they go will live in fear without any standards an rights.
but how they have high duty when they are against Taliban ??
i am disagree with you because if they are against Taliban, when government changed, they escaped from country because they were afraid of Taliban
and also those were escaped when the taliban over the country
And I think that after a series of changes and transformations that happened in the country, such as the change of government, with the change of government, most of the young people lost their jobs and lost their individual freedoms, which made them flee the country.
Many of the brains in this year 2021 ran away for fear of being unemployed, or many of them were against the idea of being Taliban or for fear of being killed by taliban .
So what do you think is the solution in the current situation?
I agree with you.
At the same time, from your point of view, what is the solution to this challenge and how can these gaps be filled?