Day 1: Brain Drain Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan_TeamC

Another reason the brain drain crisis is recruitment of labor force from western countries. Like Germany, France Italy…

The recruitment of labor force from Western countries is a significant factor contributing to the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan. This can create an imbalance and attract skilled workers away from the country. Let’s discuss potential measures to address this issue.

Recruiting labor force from western countries can indeed contribute to the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan and its related issues. It is clear that there are multiple factors contributing to this problem, including political instability, lack of financial security, limited access to education and job opportunities, and the Taliban’s restrictive policies.

To address this issue and reduce brain drain, several suggestions have been mentioned, such as:

  1. Boost security and economic growth: Creating a stable and safe environment is crucial to retaining talented individuals and preventing illegal immigration. The government should focus on programs that promote peace, stimulate the economy, and create job opportunities for its citizens.

  2. Address gender inequality: Banning educational and work opportunities for women is not only detrimental to them but also affects the entire society. Ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women will help retain their talents and contribute to the country’s development.

  3. Improve the education system: Investing in education and providing quality educational facilities can give the younger generation hope for a better future in their own country. This can help retain talented individuals who might otherwise seek opportunities abroad.

  4. Create inclusive and accountable governance: Building an inclusive government that represents all tribes and is acceptable to the people of Afghanistan is crucial in rebuilding trust and confidence. Transparency and accountability in governance can help address some of the factors contributing to brain drain.

It is important to note that these are just a few suggestions that have been raised, and the solution to this complex issue requires comprehensive and multi-faceted approaches. What are your thoughts on these suggestions? Do you have any other ideas or recommendations to address the brain drain crisis and illegal immigration from Afghanistan?

That’s an interesting perspective. It seems like you’re suggesting that the recruitment of labor force from Western countries is contributing to the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan. Can you please elaborate more on this point? Other participants, feel free to join in the discussion as well.

But Taliban won’t accept this cause they want to be themselves and they are against education and women right

There is no other choice but brain flight, because if they are in Afghanistan, they will give their specialized posts to one of the relevant mullahs of the ruling system.

That’s an interesting perspective. It seems that one of the reasons for the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan is the recruitment of labor force from western countries. Would anyone like to add to this point or share any other solutions to address the brain drain and illegal immigration issue?

I think it’s not just 2 years becuase some of the capacities that we had before taliban, also had a mind of leaving the country becuase of some limitation and some rules that the pas government had.


Yes totally agree, when they make living hard for people day by day, they leabey thier country.

The main concerns raised regarding brain drain and illegal immigration from Afghanistan include political instability, lack of financial security and economic opportunities, limited access to education and healthcare, and restrictions on women’s rights. Some suggestions mentioned are improving security and economic growth, promoting women’s rights and education, creating job opportunities, and building an inclusive government. It is crucial to address these challenges to reduce brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration.

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Yes, i think the main point of immigration is also this, and when the limitations get lost of the people not just for womens it’ll be a soloution.

The issue of brain drain and illegal immigration from Afghanistan is complex. Participants mentioned political instability, poor quality of life, limited access to education and healthcare, lack of economic opportunities, financial insecurity, and lack of personal security as causes. The impact is the loss of skilled individuals. Solutions proposed include boosting security and economic growth, job opportunities, improving education systems, and ensuring women’s rights. However, it is important to note that the situation is complex and there are no easy solutions.

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Yes , I agree with you and they must create more job and economic opportunities for people who’re living in Afghanistan , especially youths and women and they should encourage the youths as well.

In today’s government, the work is not entrusted to the hands of the workers, in this sense most of the the talents remain unrealized and dormant, and as a result; they flee the country.

Creating job and economic opportunities for the people of Afghanistan, particularly the youth and women, can help decrease brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration.

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the main problem is economy and poor quality of life

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The economy and poor quality of life are major factors contributing to the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan. This issue needs attention for the country’s development.

The education system is basically paralyzed, because a large number of university professors have left the country.

the main reason that people choose to leaving their country is economic opportunities and persecution in gender or securely their is more brain drain crisis in Afghanistan which skilled worker leave there companies due to financial issue they pay them less.