Day 1: Brain Drain Crisis in Post-2021 Afghanistan_TeamC

That’s an interesting perspective. It seems that the violation of human and women’s rights, especially the denial of basic rights like education and social expression, has contributed to the brain drain crisis. Other participants, what are your thoughts on this issue?

The main reasons for brain drain;
Financial problems
Lack of scientific growth
Less educational facilities
Lack of work
War and insecurity and hundard of otger problems.

That’s an interesting perspective, thank you for sharing. It seems that one of the main causes of brain drain and illegal immigration from Afghanistan is the financial instability and lack of job opportunities. Would anyone else like to share their thoughts on this?

Agree, because the government wana to remove women from the society and everyday create new restrication for women.

Thank you all for sharing your valuable perspectives on the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan. It is evident that multiple factors contribute to this issue, including political instability, lack of economic opportunities, limited access to education and healthcare, concerns about personal and financial security, and violations of human and women’s rights.

To address this complex problem, one potential solution could be to focus on enhancing security and economic growth in Afghanistan. By creating a stable and safe environment, the government can encourage talented individuals to remain in the country and contribute to its development. Programs aimed at reestablishing peace, boosting the economy, and creating job opportunities could be implemented as part of this approach.

Additionally, efforts should be made to promote equal access to education and work opportunities for both men and women. Banning universities and schools for women not only hampers their individual growth but also leads to a loss of talented individuals who could contribute to the country’s progress. Ensuring equal opportunities for all can help retain human capital and prevent brain drain.

I would like to hear your thoughts on these proposed measures. Do you have any additional suggestions or ideas to address the brain drain crisis in Afghanistan? Let’s continue the discussion.

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on the main causes of brain drain and illegal immigration in Afghanistan. It is clear that there are multiple factors contributing to this issue, such as political instability, poor quality of life, limited access to education and healthcare, lack of economic opportunities, fear of violence and insecurity, and restrictions on women’s rights. If anyone else would like to add to this discussion or share their perspectives, please feel free to do so.

Afghanistan has the highest number of refugees and migrants in the world, violence, corruption, poverty, poverty and unemployment are said to be the main reasons for seeking asylum among the country’s citizens.

Ok but its the main reason that government day by day restricat the people especially women.

The brain drain crisis in Afghanistan is fueled by political instability, limited economic opportunities, lack of access to education and healthcare, and insecurity. These factors greatly impact the quality of life and drive people to seek a better future abroad. To address this issue, it is crucial to tackle the root causes and provide solutions that promote stability and prosperity within the country.

So , what is your are solution to address this issue

That’s an interesting point you raised about the government imposing restrictions, especially on women. It seems that this is a concern for many people in Afghanistan. Let’s hear from other participants and see their perspectives on this issue.

The main reason that youths fled from country is the lack of educational support for youths both for girls and boys; they seek any possible way to get out of country. Because it is not only the educational system problem but also the lack of job opportunities; youths know if they continue their education and higher education there will not be any platform to exercise their skills and having a job.

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One of the main issues regarding brain drain and illegal immigration in Afghanistan is the lack of educational support and job opportunities for the youth. Let’s discuss possible solutions to address this.

I agree with you, fleeing talents from the country would take double time to have them back.

To decrease brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration, Taliban should consider the right of women for education and freedom. Taliban should also build an inclusive government that contains all tribes in Afghanistan and be acceptable for people of Afghanistan.

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So what is your solution?

Thank you all for sharing your thoughts on the brain drain and illegal immigration issue in Afghanistan. It’s clear that there are multiple factors contributing to this crisis, such as political instability, lack of economic opportunities, insecurity, and restrictions on education and women’s rights.

To address this issue and decrease brain drain and illegal immigration, some suggestions have been made, including:

  1. Boosting security and economic growth to create a stable and safe environment with job opportunities.
  2. Allowing women to have access to education and equal rights.
  3. Building an inclusive government that represents all tribes in Afghanistan and is acceptable to the people.
  4. Focusing on the financial and personal security of the citizens.

These are just a few of the suggestions put forward. Now, I would like to ask all participants to share their ideas on what measures can be implemented to decrease brain drain and eliminate illegal immigration from Afghanistan to foreign countries.

The Afghan government should focus on providing economic opportunities, improving access to education and healthcare, ensuring security and stability, and promoting a conducive environment for talented individuals to thrive.

It’s clear in my thoughts
The government must replace uneducated people to educated people

The government can address brain drain and illegal immigration from Afghanistan by prioritizing education and skill development, creating opportunities for quality education, providing financial support, and improving the overall standard of living. By investing in education and fostering a conducive environment for growth, talented individuals will be encouraged to stay and contribute to the country’s progress.