Day 1: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

By making a group and sheer the main idea to gather and helping to each others and we should be active to the group otherwise our teachers get a good result from on line class

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by ensuring the young generation regarding the same concepts

Yes that would be facsinating to engage and get informed about it

do agree wth you

Understanding the depth of different topics differs from person to person
It seems that you get a deep understanding when you have enough information about the same topic.

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and also will have positive result on the same path

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Yeah, it can be very wise. In my opinion we can do best group work or team work.

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What is media?

You will hold it virtually?


“How do you feel about exploring the potential benefits of such a partnership together?”

Thank you for joining us today. Your engagement opens the door to practical applications of our gathered knowledge in academic, social, and professional settings. Together, let us share and explore how these concepts can be woven into the fabric of our daily lives, enriching our understanding and actions.

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Absolutely agree with your idea

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“That sounds like a fantastic approach, Mojebullah.B43; how do you envision us incorporating more interactive elements in our future sessions?”

this kind of team works will allow people to create the capacity building for young generation of afghanistan

“How can we embrace sustainability to further enrich our curriculum and research, fostering greater capacity building for the young generation in Afghanistan?”

Thank you all for your vibrant participation in today’s sessions. As we move forward, I’d love for us to reflect on the insights gained and consider how they impact our understanding and everyday lives. Your thoughts and questions are invaluable in guiding our collective exploration. How can we apply what we’ve learned to enrich not just our own lives but those around us as well?

In my opinion it has strong affect on ourselves like it increases our abilities and skills.

“That’s a valuable insight, YaldaB49; how do you feel about exploring this further with some supplemental materials or an additional session to deepen our understanding?”

Yeah, it sounds superb!