Day 1: Post-Lecture Interactive Session_Team B4

Thanks for giving us the opportunity and pave the way for every individuals, i have gaind many useful infirmation about litracy

“It’s our collective journey to understand and navigate through the complexities of literacy.”

Thank you for your engagement and thoughtful participation throughout our pre-lecture and lecture sessions. As we transition into this interactive phase, I warmly invite any questions or reflections you might have. Your insights and curiosities are treasured steps on our path of learning together. How can we deepen our understanding or clarify any uncertainties you may have?

ability to read and write.
infromational literacy: access, evaulate ,and effective use of information

“It’s crucial to acknowledge the complexities of this issue while inviting diverse perspectives to enrich our understanding.”

the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world.

“That’s an intriguing thought, let’s expand on it together; what key points can we derive from this?”

More like Types of literacy such as Media, financial literacy, digital literacy and etc.

“How might these types of literacy apply in different contexts, inviting us to see their varied importance?”

Thank you all for your valuable participation today. As we embark on this post-lecture interactive session together, your insights and questions are vital to deepening our collective understanding. What reflections or uncertainties have emerged for you during today’s journey? Please share freely; every perspective adds to our rich tapestry of learning.

“Let’s delve into the different types of literacy together, such as media, financial, and digital literacy, and see what key insights we can uncover.”

but regarding one point that how is possible to ensure our self that the cross checking of accepting the situation is applicable??

thanks, dear you can apply it in every field of life, just to apply the skills we studied

It would be greatly appreciated if you give us more information about litracy in Afghanistan

“How can we collaboratively ensure the applicability of cross-checking in accepting situations?”

“Could you share how you envision applying these skills in various life fields?”

“Let’s collaborate to uncover diverse insights on literacy in Afghanistan, inviting all perspectives.”

Here are some key points: literacy and types of it
Critical thinking and difference between students in the past and now.

“Could you please share more about your insights on these differences? It’s a wonderful opportunity for us to learn together.”

What is the difference between technology and schooling?